"Piraypiray" is a word in CEBUANO

piraypiray CEBUANO

piraypiray, piraypíray v [B46; c1] move unsteadily as if about to collapse.
Nagpiraypiray ang masakitun, The patient walked on unsteady feet.
sam- see sampiray.

Few words of positivity

(I)f you're not honest with yourself, life will never be honest with you.

Leigh Brackett, The Long Tomorrow

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get if you cross an apple with a Christmas tree ?A pineapple !

suspensoria ENGLISH
diminishingly ENGLISH

In a manner to diminish.

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calefaction ENGLISH

The act of warming or heating; the production of heat in a body by the action of fire, or by …

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That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in man and monkeys, and the corresponding part in …

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buyâ - (B) Loose, not well tied or fastened, tied below the waist; to come loose, etc. Buyâ ang íya …

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pygarg ENGLISH

Alt. of Pygargus

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invectively ENGLISH

In an invective manner.

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speediness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being speedy.

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palamedeae ENGLISH

An order, or suborder, including the kamichi, and allied South American birds; -- called also screamers. In many anatomical characters …

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Naturalize LAW AND LEGAL

To confer citizeushlp upou an alien; to make a foreigner the same, ln respect to rights and privileges, as if …

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simát - A primitive plate made from the layers composing the stem of the bananaplant. Mabúhat lang kitá sing mga …

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florification ENGLISH

The act, process, or time of flowering; florescence.

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achaian ENGLISH

A native of Achaia; a Greek.

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heddle ENGLISH

To draw (the warp thread) through the heddle-eyes, in weaving.

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Licensing Acts LAW AND LEGAL

TS. This expression ls applied by Hallam (Const Hist. c. 13) to acts of parliament for the restraint of printing, …

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shragger ENGLISH

One who lops; one who trims trees.

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tantivy ENGLISH

Swiftly; speedily; rapidly; -- a fox-hunting term; as, to ride tantivy.

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whistlingly ENGLISH

In a whistling manner; shrilly.

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attaghan ENGLISH