"Pinyatu" is a word in CEBUANO

pinyatu CEBUANO

pinyátu n peanut brittle.
v [A1; a1] make peanut brittle.

Few words of positivity

She felt as though she’d found a moment of forever. Like this was how they should’ve always been

Veronica Rossi, Under the Never Sky

Laugh your heart out.

Why do tomcats fight ?Because they like raising a stink !


dukut v {1} [B2; b6] get stuck in or to s.t. Midukut (nadukut) ang trák sa lápuk, The truck got …

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garapun CEBUANO

garapun n glass jar. v {1} [B23(1)6] be a jarful. Hápit mugara-pun (magarapun) ang nahurut nílang tubà, They consumed al-most …

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pagudpud CEBUANO

pagudpud a crumbling, but hard; brittle. v [B; a12] be brittle. Mupagudpud (mapagudpud) ang tiratíra ug butangan ug mani, Ta? …

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