"Pilduras" is a word in TAGALOG, CEBUANO

pilduras CEBUANO

pildúras n medicinal pills.

pilduras TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) pill; pellet; medicine pill
Notes: Spanish

Few words of positivity

I'm such a strong human being. I amaze myself even. If only you knew what I've been up against, you'd want my autograph. I'm a real life superhero.

Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the boxer date the pretty girl? Because she was a knockout!


Same as Stock account, below.

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packet ENGLISH

To make up into a packet or bundle.

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The state of being confounded.

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hornbill ENGLISH

Any bird of the family Bucerotidae, of which about sixty species are known, belonging to numerous genera. They inhabit the …

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wharfage ENGLISH

A wharf or wharfs, collectively; wharfing.

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A piece of metal, or other hard material, formed or bent into a curve or at an angle, for catching, …

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To separate the joints; of; to divide at the joint or joints; to disjoint; to cut up into joints, as …

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muster ENGLISH

Hence: To summon together; to enroll in service; to get together.

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alibwag CEBUANO

alibwag v [AB3(1); aPc] disperse, scatter in all directions, scat-ter s.t. Mialibwag ang báhù sa kasuuksuukan, The smell spread to …

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Formalities LAW AND LEGAL

In England, robes worn by the magistrates of a city or corpo-ratlon, etc., on solemn occasions. Enc. Lond

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undershrieve ENGLISH

A low shrub; a woody plant of low stature.

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affirmative ENGLISH

That which affirms as opposed to that which denies; an affirmative proposition; that side of question which affirms or maintains …

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£>ax. In Anglo-Saxon law. The military array or land force of the whole country. Contribution to the fyrd was one …

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centripetal ENGLISH

Expanding first at the base of the inflorescence, and proceeding in order towards the summit.

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tsuy (from atsuy) n term of address to male, suggesting famil-iarity or informality. Ása ta run mag-ínum tsuy, Where are …

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balibad ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ often /MAKA-: MA-/ to pronounc. wrongly especially by interchanging the sounds; to mispronounce. Kanayon ko nga mabalibad ti …

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sumach ENGLISH

Any plant of the genus Rhus, shrubs or small trees with usually compound leaves and clusters of small flowers. Some …

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debilitation ENGLISH

The act or process of debilitating, or the condition of one who is debilitated; weakness.

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indifference ENGLISH

Passableness; mediocrity.

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