"Pictograph" is a word in ENGLISH

pictograph ENGLISH

A picture or hieroglyph representing and expressing an

Few words of positivity

Stephen had been put to sleep in his usual room, far from children and noise, away in that corner of the house which looked down to the orchard and the bowling-green, and in spite of his long absence it was so familiar to him that when he woke at about three he made his way to the window almost as quickly as if dawn had already broken, opened it and walked out onto the balcony. The moon had set: there was barely a star to be seen. The still air was delightfully fresh with falling dew, and a late nightingale, in an indifferent voice, was uttering a routine jug-jug far down in Jack's plantations; closer at hand and more agreeable by far, nightjars churred in the orchard, two of them, or perhaps three, the sound rising and falling, intertwining so that the source could not be made out for sure. There were few birds that he preferred to nightjars, but it was not they that had brought him out of bed: he stood leaning on the balcony rail and presently Jack Aubrey, in a summer-house by the bowling-green, began again, playing very gently in the darkness, improvising wholly for himself, dreaming away on his violin with a mastery that Stephen had never heard equalled, though they had played together for years and years.Like many other sailors Jack Aubrey had long dreamed of lying in his warm bed all night long; yet although he could now do so with a clear conscience he often rose at unChristian hours, particularly if he were moved by strong emotion, and crept from his bedroom in a watch-coat, to walk about the house or into the stables or to pace the bowling-green. Sometimes he took his fiddle with him. He was in fact a better player than Stephen, and now that he was using his precious Guarnieri rather than a robust sea-going fiddle the difference was still more evident: but the Guarnieri did not account for the whole of it, nor anything like. Jack certainly concealed his excellence when they were playing together, keeping to Stephen's mediocre level: this had become perfectly clear when Stephen's hands were at last recovered from the thumb-screws and other implements applied by French counter-intelligence officers in Minorca; but on reflexion Stephen thought it had been the case much earlier, since quite apart from his delicacy at that period, Jack hated showing away.Now, in the warm night, there was no one to be comforted, kept in countenance, no one could scorn him for virtuosity, and he could let himself go entirely; and as the grave and subtle music wound on and on, Stephen once more contemplated on the apparent contradiction between the big, cheerful, florid sea-officer whom most people liked on sight but who would have never been described as subtle or capable of subtlety by any one of them (except perhaps his surviving opponents in battle) and the intricate, reflective music he was now creating. So utterly unlike his limited vocabulary in words, at times verging upon the inarticulate.'My hands have now regained the moderate ability they possessed before I was captured,' observed Maturin, 'but his have gone on to a point I never thought he could reach: his hands and his mind. I am amazed. In his own way he is the secret man of the world.

Patrick O'Brian, The Commodore

Laugh your heart out.

How do you spell elephant ? E-l-l-e-e-f-a-n-t"That's not how the dictionary spells it""You didn't ask me how the dictionary spelt it !"

acrophony ENGLISH

The use of a picture symbol of an object to represent phonetically the initial sound of the name of the …

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n. bad or unpleasant taste, as the aftertaste of oysters or mangoes. Ngem ti adat na, awan ti ladawan nga …

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In imitation of; in conformity with; after the manner of; as, to make a thing after a model; a picture …

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To be conformable; to resemble; to coincide; to correspond; as, the picture does not agree with the original; the two …

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aktuwal CEBUANO

aktuwal n sa {1} at the very moment. Sa aktuwal na giyud siya midágan, gitirúhan dáyun, The very moment he …

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albertype ENGLISH

A picture printed from a kind of gelatine plate produced by means of a photographic negative.

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album n album, scrapbook. v {1} [A; c] put in an album. Al-búmun ku ning ákung mga ritrátu, Ill collect …

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alethoscope ENGLISH

An instrument for viewing pictures by means of a lens, so as to present them in their natural proportions and …

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ambrotype ENGLISH

A picture taken on a plate of prepared glass, in which the lights are represented in silver, and the shades …

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ámoy - A holy man or person, a saint, the picture of a saint; father, priest, any revered person.

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ánggà - Petting, fondling; to pet or fondle. Anggaá ang bátà. Pet the child. (cf. dálò; palánggà). anggaán, A pet …

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anhel-anhel HILIGAYNON

anhél-ánhel - Dim. of ánhel. Anything bearing some resemblance to an angel as commonly pictured, especially used with regard to …

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anínaw - Picture, reflection of a mirror, model, type; to look into a mirror, to keep before one’s eyes, to …

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anorthoscope ENGLISH

An optical toy for producing amusing figures or pictures by means of two revolving disks, on one of which distorted …

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autotype ENGLISH

A photographic picture produced in sensitized pigmented gelatin by exposure to light under a negative; and subsequent washing out of …

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backboard ENGLISH

A thin stuff used for the backs of framed pictures, mirrors, etc.

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bakgrawun CEBUANO

bakgráwun n {1} background, past experience, origin. Sutáa únang íyang bakgráwun únà sugta, Verify his background first before you accept …

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balayán - Bedstead; the frame of a bed, of a picture, etc. Nabutangán na ang kátre sing balayán, ápang walâ …

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balloon ENGLISH

The outline inclosing words represented as coming from the mouth of a pictured figure.

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bérde - (Sp. verde) Green; immodest, indecent, applied to talk, pictures, writing. (cf. hiláw; bástos, maláw-ay, mahígkò).

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