"Physiognomical" is a word in ENGLISH

physiognomical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to physiognomy; according with the
principles of physiognomy.

Few words of positivity

The adjacent shores resounded with the alternate shouts of the sons of liberty and the groans of their parting spirits.

William Apess, On Our Own Ground: The Complete Writings of William Apess, a Pequot

Laugh your heart out.

Teacher : Make up a sentence using the word lettuce !Pupil : Let us out of school early !

metopomancy ENGLISH

Fortune telling by physiognomy.

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metoposcopy ENGLISH

The study of physiognomy; the art of discovering the character of persons by their features, or the lines of the …

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nawóng - (H) Face, visage, countenance, physiognomy, phiz, front; the title-page of a book. (cf. guyá, panawóng).

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A branch of physiognomy which deduces the knowledge of a person's temper and character from the appearance of the eyes.

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panawóng - (H) Form—, shape—, cast—, of one’s face, physiognomy; face, cover or title-page of a book, magazine, etc.; page …

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pangguyáhon, pangguyahón - Face, countenance, physiognomy, cast or expression of face. Magayón siá sing pangguyáhon. Her face is (was) beautiful. …

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physiognomist ENGLISH

Same as Physiognomy, 1.

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physiognomist ENGLISH

One skilled in physiognomy.

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physiognomist ENGLISH

One who tells fortunes by physiognomy.

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physiognomize ENGLISH

To observe and study the physiognomy of.

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physiognomy ENGLISH

The art and science of discovering the predominant temper, and other characteristic qualities of the mind, by the outward appearance, …

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physiognomy ENGLISH

The face or countenance, with respect to the temper of the mind; particular configuration, cast, or expression of countenance, as …

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physiognomy ENGLISH

The general appearance or aspect of a thing, without reference to its scientific characteristics; as, the physiognomy of a plant, …

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physiognomy ENGLISH

The art telling fortunes by inspection of the features.

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