"Pharyngobranchii" is a word in ENGLISH

pharyngobranchii ENGLISH

Same as Leptocardia.

Few words of positivity

When a person starts to talk about their dreams, it's as if something bubbles up from within. Their eyes brighten, their face glows, and you can feel the excitement in their words.

John C. Maxwell

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get if you cross a labrador and a tortoise ?A dog that will run to the shop to get your paper and bring back last weeks paper !

amphioxus ENGLISH

A fishlike creature (Amphioxus lanceolatus), two or three inches long, found in temperature seas; -- also called the lancelet. Its …

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cirrostomi ENGLISH

The lowest group of vertebrates; -- so called from the cirri around the mouth; the Leptocardia. See Amphioxus.

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dermopterygii ENGLISH

A group of fishlike animals including the Marsipobranchiata and Leptocardia.

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lancelet ENGLISH

A small fishlike animal (Amphioxus lanceolatus), remarkable for the rudimentary condition of its organs. It is the type of the …

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leptocardia ENGLISH

The lowest class of Vertebrata, including only the Amphioxus. The heart is represented only by a simple pulsating vessel. The …

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leptocardian ENGLISH

One of the Leptocardia.

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leptocardian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the Leptocardia.

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vertebrata ENGLISH

One of the grand divisions of the animal kingdom, comprising all animals that have a backbone composed of bony or …

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