"Petrohyoid" is a word in ENGLISH

petrohyoid ENGLISH

Pertaining to petrous, oe periotic, portion of the
skull and the hyoid arch; as, the petrohyoid muscles of the frog.

Few words of positivity

I wondered whether I had gone insane. If so, I thought, then this is what it feels like; I would never have guessed the world would still appear so sharp and vivid, the streets the same, the clouds the same, nothing different except your mind has come unhinged, its cogs whirling loose and wild and hazardous.

Carolina De Robertis, Perla

Laugh your heart out.

A magician was employed by a Shipping Line to entertain the passengers during cruises. The captain owned a parrot which always insisted on being part of the acts put on by the magician. He would perch on the edge of the stage and screech, "He does it with a mirror" or "He's got it up his sleeve." The magician was furious, but since the bird was a favorite with the captain and he was anxious to retain his position for future cruises, he maintained an angry silence.One evening as the magician worked, the parrot continued to harass the unfortunate man. Sadly the ship ran into a mine which had become detached from the sea floor after a storm. The explosion tore the bow off the ship which sank within a few minutes. Amid the wreckage and the lifeboats, the magician sat on one end of a table from the first class dining room. At the other end sat the parrot, dirty and disheveled, his feathers caked with f uel oil. For some time they eyed each other malevolently saying nothing. Finally the parrot shook himself and advanced across the table. He fixed the magician with a beady eye. "Okay, I give up," he squawked. "What did you do with the ship?"

petromastoid ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the petrous and mastoid parts of the temporal bone, periotic.

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petrosal ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the petrous, or petrosal, bone, or the corresponding part of the temporal …

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