"Pernicity" is a word in ENGLISH

pernicity ENGLISH

Swiftness; celerity.

Few words of positivity

For me, there is no such thing as a negative experience.

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Laugh your heart out.

A baseball manager who had an ulcer was in his physician office for a checkup. "Remember," the doctor said, "don't get excited, don't get mad, and forget about baseball when you're off the field." Then he added, "By the way, how come you let the pitcher bat yesterday with the tying run on second and two men out in the ninth?"Doctor: Tell him I can't see him now. Next.

celerity ENGLISH

Rapidity of motion; quickness; swiftness.

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fleetness ENGLISH

Swiftness; rapidity; velocity; celerity; speed; as, the fleetness of a horse or of time.

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Celerity of motion; speed; swiftness; dispatch; expedition; -- applied only to voluntary beings, as men and other animals.

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kadásig - Speed, rapidity, swiftness, velocity, quickness, celerity. (cf. dásig).

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kalígsi - Swiftness, speediness, celerity, rapidity, fleetness, nimbleness, agility, quickness of movement. (lígsi; cf. kalíksi).

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nimble ENGLISH

Light and quick in motion; moving with ease and celerity; lively; swift.

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Very swift or quick; moving with celerity; fast; as, a rapid stream; a rapid flight; a rapid motion.

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rapidity ENGLISH

The quality or state of being rapid; swiftness; celerity; velocity; as, the rapidity of a current; rapidity of speech; rapidity …

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Moving a great distance in a short time; moving with celerity or velocity; fleet; rapid; quick; speedy; prompt.

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swiftness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being swift; speed; quickness; celerity; velocity; rapidity; as, the swiftness of a bird; the swiftness …

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túlin - Swiftness, celerity, velocity, fleetness, a steady straight course (of boats, birds, or the like); to cleave a path …

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velocity ENGLISH

Quickness of motion; swiftness; speed; celerity; rapidity; as, the velocity of wind; the velocity of a planet or comet in …

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