"Peripteral" is a word in ENGLISH

peripteral ENGLISH

Having columns on all sides; -- said of an edifice. See

Few words of positivity

(Conviction) is possible only in a world more primitive than ours can be perceived to be. A man can achieve a simply gnomic conviction only by ignoring the radical describers of his environment or by hating them as convinced men have hated say Darwin and Freud as agents of some devil.

John Ciardi

Laugh your heart out.

Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana.

abacus ENGLISH

The uppermost member or division of the capital of a column, immediately under the architrave. See Column.

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acantha ENGLISH

The vertebral column; the spinous process of a vertebra.

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ád v [A; ac] add up. Ádun (adun) nátù ni, Lets add this up. Iád ang kwatru ári, Add the …

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To join or unite, as one thing to another, or as several particulars, so as to increase the number, augment …

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A lateral division of a building, separated from the middle part, called the nave, by a row of columns or …

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amphiprostyle ENGLISH

Doubly prostyle; having columns at each end, but not at the sides.

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androphore ENGLISH

A support or column on which stamens are raised.

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annulet ENGLISH

A small, flat fillet, encircling a column, etc., used by itself, or with other moldings. It is used, several times …

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anyil sa lubut n a patch of blue skin found at the tip of the vertebral column of infants.

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apophyge ENGLISH

The small hollow curvature given to the top or bottom of the shaft of a column where it expands to …

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append ENGLISH

To hang or attach to, as by a string, so that the thing is suspended; as, a seal appended to …

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apteral ENGLISH

Without lateral columns; -- applied to buildings which have no series of columns along their sides, but are either prostyle …

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arcade ENGLISH

A series of arches with the columns or piers which support them, the spandrels above, and other necessary appurtenances; sometimes …

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architrave ENGLISH

The lower division of an entablature, or that part which rests immediately on the column, esp. in classical architecture. See …

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armature ENGLISH

Iron bars or framing employed for the consolidation of a building, as in sustaining slender columns, holding up canopies, etc.

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The sharp edge or salient angle formed by two surfaces meeting each other, whether plane or curved; -- applied particularly …

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astylar ENGLISH

Without columns or pilasters.

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atlantes ENGLISH

Figures or half figures of men, used as columns to support an entablature; -- called also telamones. See Caryatides.

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backbone ENGLISH

The column of bones in the back which sustains and gives firmness to the frame; the spine; the vertebral or …

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The annular molding or group of moldings dividing a long shaft or clustered column into two or more parts.

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