"Perennial" is a word in ENGLISH

perennial ENGLISH

Continuing without cessation or intermission; perpetual;
unceasing; never failing.

perennial ENGLISH

Continuing more than two years; as, a perennial steam,
or root, or plant.

perennial ENGLISH

A perennial plant; a plant which lives or continues more
than two years, whether it retains its leaves in winter or not.

perennial ENGLISH

ing or continuing through the year; as, perennial

Few words of positivity

The world is corrupt, and the way for me to make it better is not by writing letters, but joining my efforts with those of others to produce a work of beauty.

H.S. Ede

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Brian !Brian who ?Brian drain !

asparagus ENGLISH

A genus of perennial plants belonging to the natural order Liliaceae, and having erect much branched stems, and very slender …

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asphodel ENGLISH

A general name for a plant of the genus Asphodelus. The asphodels are hardy perennial plants, several species of which …

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banana ENGLISH

A perennial herbaceous plant of almost treelike size (Musa sapientum); also, its edible fruit. See Musa.

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calamint ENGLISH

A genus of perennial plants (Calamintha) of the Mint family, esp. the C. Nepeta and C. Acinos, which are called …

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A numerous and widely distributed genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the order Cypreaceae; the sedges.

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caudex ENGLISH

The stem of a tree., esp. a stem without a branch, as of a palm or a tree fern; also, …

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celandine ENGLISH

A perennial herbaceous plant (Chelidonium majus) of the poppy family, with yellow flowers. It is used as a medicine in …

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chelone ENGLISH

A genus of hardy perennial flowering plants, of the order Scrophulariaceae, natives of North America; -- called also snakehead, turtlehead, …

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chicory ENGLISH

A branching perennial plant (Cichorium Intybus) with bright blue flowers, growing wild in Europe, Asia, and America; also cultivated for …

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A perennial plant (Allium Schoenoprasum), allied to the onion. The young leaves are used in omelets, etc.

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chrysanthemum ENGLISH

A genus of composite plants, mostly perennial, and of many species including the many varieties of garden chrysanthemums (annual and …

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A perennial alliaceous plant (Allium fistulosum), sometimes called Welsh onion. Its fistular leaves areused in cookery.

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cohosh ENGLISH

A perennial American herb (Caulophyllum thalictroides), whose rootstock is used in medicine; -- also called pappoose root. The name is …

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comfrey ENGLISH

A rough, hairy, perennial plant of several species, of the genus Symphytum.

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corchorus ENGLISH

The common name of the Kerria Japonica or Japan globeflower, a yellow-flowered, perennial, rosaceous plant, seen in old-fashioned gardens.

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dogbane ENGLISH

A small genus of perennial herbaceous plants, with poisonous milky juice, bearing slender pods pods in pairs.

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drosera ENGLISH

A genus of low perennial or biennial plants, the leaves of which are beset with gland-tipped bristles. See Sundew.

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edelweiss ENGLISH

A little, perennial, white, woolly plant (Leontopodium alpinum), growing at high elevations in the Alps.

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fennel ENGLISH

A perennial plant of the genus Faeniculum (F. vulgare), having very finely divided leaves. It is cultivated in gardens for …

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feverfew ENGLISH

A perennial plant (Pyrethrum, / Chrysanthemum, Parthenium) allied to camomile, having finely divided leaves and white blossoms; -- so named …

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