"Peppering" is a word in ENGLISH

peppering ENGLISH

of Pepper

peppering ENGLISH

Hot; pungent; peppery.

Few words of positivity

In the wasteland of metro Boston, at thirteen, fourteen, his big dream had been of a gun to his own head, putting him out of his misery—a misery that by sophomore year of college was indistinguishable from everybody else's.

Garth Risk Hallberg, City on Fire

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the argumentative skunk?He always liked to make a stink!

alangaang CEBUANO

alangáang n for weather to be oppressively hot and moist with no wind. Alangáang kaáyu; tingáli muulan, It is very …

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almuranas CEBUANO

almuránas n hemorrhoids. v [a4] be a? icted with hemorrhoids. Kanà kunung hingaug síli lagmit almuranásun, They say people who …

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am-am v [B1256] {1} be open-mouthed from having eaten s.t. spicy. Naam-am (nahaam-am) ang ákung bàbà sa síling ku-likut, I …

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atsal n {1} pickles made of shredded green papaya and vari-ous other vegetables cut in slivers. {2} name given to …

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bagaang CEBUANO

bagáang v [B1256] {1} feel a burning pain upon eating hot, spicy food. Nabagáang ku sa síli pagkáun nákug sálad, …

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bítì - To feel a burning pain, to smart as when exposed to great heat, or when eating anything sharp, …

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halang CEBUANO

hálang a {1a} having a hot, biting taste. Hálang kaáyu ang síling kulikut, Red peppers are very hot. {1b} for …

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peppery ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to pepper; having the qualities of pepper; hot; pungent.

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punyimas CEBUANO

punyímas euphemism for punyíta: an expression of anger or discomfort. Punyímas! Ngánung ímu mang gisilihan ang súkà? Darn! Why did …

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síli n pepper: Capsicum spp. nga amirikánu a large yellow va-riety. nga ispáda long variety: Capsicum anuum var. longum. nga …

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