"Pawat" is a word in HILIGAYNON


páwat - (B) To want, lack, cease to have or
get, be without, but mostly construed with
índì or walâ. Indì man mapáwat ang
ámon pagkáon. We shall not lack food.
Walâ pa man mapáwat ang ákon dáwat
nga tubâ sa hapónhápon. I have always
succeeded up to now in gathering (I have
never failed up to now to gather) some tubâ
every evening (or afternoon). (páwat is
perhaps a Contr. of pa- and awát).

Few words of positivity

To move forward, you must first take a step

Chase S.M. Neill

Laugh your heart out.

Why is it called a "litter" of puppies ?Because they mess up the whole house !

discinct ENGLISH

Ungirded; loosely dressed.

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reflex ENGLISH

An involuntary movement produced by reflex action.

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polycystid ENGLISH

Pertaining to the Polycystidea, or the Polycystina.

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infirmity ENGLISH

The state of being infirm; feebleness; an imperfection or weakness; esp., an unsound, unhealthy, or debilitated state; a disease; a …

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A kitchen grate.

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halingtang HILIGAYNON

halíngtang - A step, stair, round, rung of a ladder. (cf. halíntang, alintagá).

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cocagne ENGLISH

An imaginary country of idleness and luxury.

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atingayon HILIGAYNON

atingayón - (B) The little finger. (cf. kumalíngking, tingáy-tíngay, tingayón).

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alindangay CEBUANO

alindángay a slightly feverish, uneasy in the body because of a slight fever. Dì ku mutarbáhu run kay mu rag …

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n. var. of KRUS. v. /AG-/ to make the sign of the cross, to cross oneself.

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concomitance ENGLISH

Alt. of Concomitancy

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Usus Bellici LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. In international law. warlike uses or objects. It ls the usus bellici whlch determlne an artlcle to be con-traband. …

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discourse ENGLISH

Dealing; transaction.

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kurilian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the Kurile Islands, a chain of islands in the Pacific ocean, extending from the southern extremity …

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sabaw n {1} soup, gravy, juice given o? by s.t. cooked. Sabaw sa manuk, Chicken soup. {2} water in coconut. …

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To answer in /// negative; to declare an assertion not to be true.

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sápua - Skim, scum, film; to skim a boiling liquid or the like. Sapuahá ang bukál sang tiníg-ang. Take the …

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