"Patikang" is a word in HILIGAYNON


patikáng - Caus. of tikáng. To let, etc.
make steps. Patikangá ang bátà, agúd
mahánas maglakát (sa paglakát). Let the
baby take a few steps, that it may get
accustomed to walking (that it may learn to


patíkang - Handling, management,
treatment, dealing, interference,
contrivance, machination; to deal with, be
engaged in business, trade, have
commercial transactions. Anó ang
pagpatíkang nímo (Anó nga patíkang ang
ímo) nga walâ lang madúgay nagdakû
ang ímo kwárta? How did you contrive to
make so much money in so short a time?
Sagád siá magpatíkang. He is an expert
business man. Maáyo gid ang íya
patíkang sinâ. He handled that case
(matter) very well. (cf. pumalatíkang,
palatikángan, pahitôhítò, padihútan,

Few words of positivity

You must never believe everything they say about a person. Generally speaking, most of it will be lies, half-truths at best.

Kate Atkinson, Life After Life

Laugh your heart out.

A young man was walking into town one day when a wood hauler gave him a ride.After traveling about a mile or two, the truck was stopped by the highway patrol for a weight check and inspection.The truck inspection revealed the truck had slick tires; no horn; no head, tail or signal lights; no windshield wipers. Also, it was overloaded and had bad brakes."Mister," the patrolman said to the driver, "I think the best way to charge you is 'hauling wood without a truck.'"

snakewood ENGLISH

An East Indian climbing shrub (Ophioxylon serpentinum) which has the roots and stems twisted so as to resemble serpents.

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tákas - Inland, interior, away from the sea, away from a river or valley, land as opposed to water, a …

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entitative ENGLISH

Considered as pure entity; abstracted from all circumstances.

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physic ENGLISH
ikspus CEBUANO

ikspús v [A; c6] expose films. ikspusisiyun n exposition.

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stamineous ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the stamens; possessing stamens; also, attached to the stamens; as, a stamineous nectary.

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disibi CEBUANO

disibi = risibi.

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dervish ENGLISH

An ornament worn on the shoulder; a small epaulet or shoulder knot.

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An artificial sheet of ice, generally under cover, used for skating; also, a floor prepared for skating on with roller …

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n. perseverance, endurance. v. /MAKA-: MA--AN/ to be able to suffer or endure. Diak nga maanduran ti sakit daytoy ulok. …

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Any planet or heavenly body, especially when considered as inhabited, and as the scene of interests analogous with human interests; …

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palpalangguad ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to be boastful, proud, haughty; to boast.

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alnaab ILOKANO

adj. /NA-/ damp, humid, moist. v. /AG-/. Agalnaab dagitoy tugtugaw no agtudtudo. These seats become damp when it rains

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A leguminous plant of the genus Medicago. The black medic is the Medicago lupulina; the purple medic, or lucern, is …

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laminable ENGLISH

Capable of being split into laminae or thin plates, as mica; capable of being extended under pressure into a thin …

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tambilihan HILIGAYNON

tambilihán - A kind of (green) lizard. See tambalihán.

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inquire ENGLISH

To ask a question; to seek for truth or information by putting queries.

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aesculapian ENGLISH

Pertaining to Aesculapius or to the healing art; medical; medicinal.

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