"Pasiyam" is a word in TAGALOG

pasiyam TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) nine-day novena after someone's interment or funeral

Few words of positivity

With tennis, you can go pick up a racket, take a lesson, and understand how much talent and skill it takes to be as good as the top pros. Same with golf: pick up a club. But not many can go out and get in a race car and experience a drive at over 200 miles an hour.

Mario Andretti

Laugh your heart out.

What's the best way to increase the size of your bank balance? Look at it through a magnifying glass.


pisáw - A wink, nod, sign; to wink, blink, twinkle, nod, give a sign by moving the eyes, open and …

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scrobicular ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or surrounding, scrobiculae; as, scrobicular tubercles.

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spiked ENGLISH

Furnished or set with spikes, as corn; fastened with spikes; stopped with spikes.

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trumpet ENGLISH

To sound loudly, or with a tone like a trumpet; to utter a trumplike cry.

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To be shed; to run over; to fall out, and be lost or wasted.

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affranchise ENGLISH

To make free; to enfranchise.

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To fit; to adapt; to make proper or suitable; as, to suit the action to the word.

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púru a {1} pure, free from adulterants or impurities. Púru giyud ning tabliyáha, This chocolate is pure. {2} pure of …

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In Pleno Lumine LAW AND LEGAL

In public; in common knowledge; in the light of day

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tactable ENGLISH

Capable of being touched; tangible.

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astriction ENGLISH

The act of binding; restriction; also, obligation.

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buntine ENGLISH

A thin woolen stuff, used chiefly for flags, colors, and ships' signals.

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convivial ENGLISH

Of or relating to a feast or entertainment, or to eating and drinking, with accompanying festivity; festive; social; gay; jovial.

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adj. /NA-/ delicious, tasty, savory, appetizing. v. /-UM-/ to become like this. /MANG-:-EN/ to enjoy, relish. Imasen ti aggian idiay …

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He who transacted the business of the lord high treasurer.

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pinnulate ENGLISH

Having each pinna subdivided; -- said of a leaf, or of its pinnae.

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timbrelled ENGLISH

Sung to the sound of the timbrel.

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To utter with the mouth; to pronounce; to utter articulately, as human beings.

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