"Parturitive" is a word in ENGLISH

parturitive ENGLISH

Pertaining to parturition; obstetric.

Few words of positivity

The terrible poverty of pride is that there is nothing that can be taken in selfishness which will exceed what is received when nothing is expected and everything is offered.

James Castleton, MD, Mending of a Broken Heart

Laugh your heart out.

What's long, hard, and has semen in it?A submarine!

vanadinite ENGLISH

A mineral occurring in yellowish, and ruby-red hexagonal crystals. It consist of lead vanadate with a small proportion of lead …

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modillion ENGLISH

The enriched block or horizontal bracket generally found under the cornice of the Corinthian and Composite entablature, and sometimes, less …

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Fr. In old French iaw. An oven or bake-house. Four banal, an oven, owned by the seignior of the estate, …

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dangs n fairy, homosexual that acts e? eminate.

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pantofle ENGLISH

A slipper for the foot.

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To act or perform (a play); to represent in music action; as, to play a comedy; also, to act in …

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botanist ENGLISH

One skilled in botany; one versed in the knowledge of plants.

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pípir n canned white or black pepper in powder form. v [b] use or put pepper.

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palette ENGLISH

A breastplate for a breast drill.

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concealed ENGLISH

Hidden; kept from sight; secreted.

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argala ENGLISH

The adjutant bird.

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accumulate ENGLISH

Collected; accumulated.

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Fac Simile Probate LAW AND LEGAL

In England, where the construction of a wlll jnay be affected by the appearance of the original paper, the court …

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filature ENGLISH

A reel for drawing off silk from cocoons; also, an establishment for reeling silk.

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ferial ENGLISH

Belonging to any week day, esp. to a day that is neither a festival nor a fast.

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In accordance with, or authorized by, the constitution of a state or a society; as, constitutional reforms.

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