"Parhelion" is a word in ENGLISH

parhelion ENGLISH

A mock sun appearing in the form of a bright light,
sometimes near the sun, and tinged with colors like the rainbow, and
sometimes opposite to the sun. The latter is usually called an
anthelion. Often several mock suns appear at the same time. Cf.

Few words of positivity

I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires rather than in attempting to satisfy them.

John Stuart Mill

Laugh your heart out.

The garbage men were just about to leave the street when a girl came running out of the house carrying some cardboard boxes.'Am I too late for the garbage ?' she called.'No,' replied one of the men, 'jump right in !'

tinger ENGLISH

One who, or that which, tinges.

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The face of the coal at which miners are working.

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pustulate ENGLISH

Alt. of Pustulated

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somber ENGLISH
countor ENGLISH

An advocate or professional pleader; one who counted for his client, that is, orally pleaded his cause.

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departer ENGLISH

One who refines metals by separation.

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To lower or depress; to throw or cast down; as, to abase the eye.

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witling ENGLISH

A person who has little wit or understanding; a pretender to wit or smartness.

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mo - Your, yours, thy, thine, of you, of yours (singular); by or through you (thee). (cf. ímo, nímo and …

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The quality or state of not being defensible.

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exegetical ENGLISH

Pertaining to exegesis; tending to unfold or illustrate; explanatory; expository.

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The quality or state of being obsequious.

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textile ENGLISH

Pertaining to weaving or to woven fabrics; as, textile arts; woven, capable of being woven; formed by weaving; as, textile …

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Lat. In the civil law. •The collected declslons of the emperors in Their councils

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sociate ENGLISH
ngasngas CEBUANO

ngasngas v [B] for wounds to fester. Ang pasáyan mauy nakangasngas (nakapangasngas) sa ákung mga katulkatul, The shrimps caused my …

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healthful ENGLISH

Serving to promote health of body or mind; wholesome; salubrious; salutary; as, a healthful air, diet.

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tapun n s.t. used as a cover for a valve.

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A projecting ridge along the middle of a flat or curved surface.

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panímtim - Freq. of tímtim—to dangle, etc.; to play with one’s tongue, etc., as a snake, or the like.

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