"Panuigon" is a word in HILIGAYNON


panuigón - Age, oldness; to have an age
of——, be——old, be aged——.
Nagapanuigón siá sing duhá ka púlò kag
limá. He is twenty five years——old,——of
age. His age is twenty five. He has got to
(reached, attained) the age of twenty five.

panugíron – panúmbong
Anó ang ímo panuigón? What is your age?
(cf. túig, panúig, panuígon, katigulangón).


panuígon - Season, year, time; yearly. (cf.
panahón, tuígtúig, panuigón).

Few words of positivity

I'm not talking about being against development. I'm talking about the politics of development. I'm talking about more development, not less. More democracy, not less. More modernization, not less. How do you break down this completely centralized, undemocratic process of decision-making? How do you make sure that it's decentralized and that people have power over their lives and their natural resources? I don't even believe in the modern business-like notion of "efficiency". It dovetails with totalitarianism, fascism. Peopl say, "If it's decentralized it will be inefficient." I think that's fine. Let it be inefficient.

Arundhati Roy, The Checkbook and the Cruise Missile: Conversations with Arundhati Roy

Laugh your heart out.

Why was the pig unhappy in the Minors? Because he wants to play in the Pig Leagues.


edád - (Sp. edad) Age, epoch, time, period; to be so many years old, to be the age of so …

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taon, taon HILIGAYNON

taón, táon - Age, year, season. (cf. túig, panuigón, panahón).

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tupúng - Equal (of size, capacity, wealth, colour, strength, etc.). Tupúng gid ang íla nga duhá nga panuigón. They are …

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