"Pantuk" is a word in CEBUANO

pantuk CEBUANO

pantuk v [A; c] knock s.t.
against s.t.
Ipantuk ang pul-an sa simintu arun matáup ang gítung, Bang the handle on the cement so that the tang will go all the way in.

Few words of positivity

Sometimes you have to make choices, and they're imperfect, but they're the only choices you can make and live with yourself.

Charles Sheehan-Miles, The Last Hour

Laugh your heart out.

The July temperature in Joplin climbed over the one hundred mark. Despite the scorching heat, Bozell was outside painting his house. A passerby stopped for a moment to watch him and then asked, "How cum yer wearin' two jackets?" " 'Cause," said the redneck, "the directions on the can say ta put on two coats!"


alílà - To nourish, nurture, rear, bring up, foster, take good care of, look after with kindness and consideration. Aliláa …

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That increase of the earth on a shore or bank of a river, or to the shore of the sea, …

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bilgas CEBUANO

bilgas n Belgian nuns. Ang kulihiyu sa Santa Tirísa gipadágan sa mga bilgas, St. Theresas School is run by Belgian …

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búgnà - Revelation, inspiration; to reveal, inspire. Ang búgnà (ni) kay San Huán. The revelations of St. John. The Apocalypse. …

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gólò - (H) To thrust, poke, put, stick or introduce one’s finger, arm or anything fit for the purpose into …

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idág - To lean against some support while sitting (as a sick person against several pillows or the like). Nagaidág …

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kalamáyo - To get bad, fester, mortify, gangrene (applied especially to wounds becoming worse through the influence of heat). Kinalamáyo …

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kulipas CEBUANO

kulípas v [AN; c1] refuse to acknowledge. Ang mga táwung bakákun dílì mahadluk mukulípas (mangulípas) sa ílang sulti, Liars are …

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líug n neck. Butilyang taas ug líug, A bottle with a long neck. () v {1} [A123S; a12] hit in …

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parada TAGALOG

parada2 Active Verb: pumarada Passive Verb: iparada Definition: (verb) to stop; to stop a vehicle; to park 2 Definition: Notes: …

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pungól - To break off the neck of a bottle, the fingers, arms or legs of a statue, etc.; to …

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san-antun CEBUANO

san-antun short for San Antonio Saint Anthony. pa- v [c] light a candle and implore St. Anthonys help in sending …

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sanpidru CEBUANO

San Pidru n {1} Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul (June 29). {2} gatekeeper (just as St. Peter is …

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sánta - (Sp. santa) Saint, saintly, holy (fem.). Ang Sánta Iglésya. Holy Church. sángtan – sapák, sápak Ang Simána Sánta. …

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siniyur CEBUANO

siniyur n title of address for men of high station. short form: nyur {1} Mr. , sir. Si Nyur Pidru …

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tágnà - Prophecy, prediction, forecast, vaticination, prognostication, presage, foretelling of future events; Book of Prophecies; to prophesy, predict, foretell, prognosticate, …

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tarurut CEBUANO

tarúrut n {1} paper, leaf rolled into a cone. Usa ka tarúrut mani, Peanuts in a piece of paper rolled …

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