"Panibi-Tibi" is a word in HILIGAYNON

panibi-tibi HILIGAYNON

panibí-tibí - To balance oneself with
difficulty, be scarcely able to keep one’s
balance or equilibrium; to be on the point
of—committing oneself,—telling some
news,—betraying a secret,—letting "the cat
out of the bag”. Nagapanibítibí ang íya
mga bibíg sa paghámbal. He can scarcely
detain himself from telling the news. He is
simply bursting to tell the news. (cf. tibí).

Few words of positivity

Don't make another's pain the source of your own happiness.

Mark Frost, The Paladin Prophecy

Laugh your heart out.

I'm suffering from bad breath You should do something about it!I did. I just sent my wife to the dentist.


1. A leaf. In the ancient law-books lt was the custom to number the leaves, instead of the pages; hence …

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viscountcy ENGLISH

The dignity or jurisdiction of a viscount.

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pulkok ILOKANO

v. /MA--AN/ to worry grievously, to be weighed down by sadness, to feel great anxiety. Mapulkokan kami maipanggep ti gubat. …

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sufferance ENGLISH

Negative consent by not forbidding or hindering; toleration; permission; allowance; leave.

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pagarup ILOKANO

n. guess, conjecture, supposition. v. /MANGI-: I-/ to think, guess, conjecture, suppose, assume. PAGASIMBUYOKAN [cf. ASIMBUYOK], n. smoke flue, chimney.

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primate ENGLISH

The chief ecclesiastic in a national church; one who presides over other bishops in a province; an archbishop.

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cesural ENGLISH
alated ENGLISH

Winged; having wings, or side appendages like wings.

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orthosilicic ENGLISH

Designating the form of silicic acid having the normal or highest number of hydroxyl groups.

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orcein ENGLISH

A reddish brown amorphous dyestuff, /, obtained from orcin, and forming the essential coloring matter of cudbear and archil. It …

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supu v {1} [A; a12] embarrass s. o. by proving his allegations false. Dílì ka makasupu nákù kay tinúud ang …

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aw-aw v [A; ab2] bark. Ay lag dágan ug aw-áwun (hiaw-awan) ka sa irù, Dont run if the dog barks …

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phonetization ENGLISH

The act, art, or process of representing sounds by phonetic signs.

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kabuhayon HILIGAYNON

kabuhayón - (B) See kabúhay. (cf. kadugayón).

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footstalk ENGLISH

The stem which supports which supports the eye in decapod Crustacea; eyestalk.

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monkshood ENGLISH

A plant of the genus Aconitum; aconite. See Aconite.

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abandonment ENGLISH

The act of abandoning, or the state of being abandoned; total desertion; relinquishment.

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