"Pangohong" is a word in HILIGAYNON

pangohong HILIGAYNON

pangóhong - To gather mushrooms. (cf.

Few words of positivity

Did we really come all that way?" She asked. "Time flies when you're scared out of your mind." He answered.

Nights Raven

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the Scottish cannibal live on a sugar plantation?He said, "So that I can feed my lads with m'lasses."

decani ENGLISH

Used of the side of the choir on which the dean's stall is placed; decanal; -- correlative to cantoris; as, …

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cisted ENGLISH

Inclosed in a cyst. See Cysted.

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bevile ENGLISH

A chief broken or opening like a carpenter's bevel.

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Court Of Equity LAW AND LEGAL

A court which has jurisdiction in equity, which administers justice aud decides controversies in accord-ance with the rules, principles, and …

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forbear ENGLISH

To treat with consideration or indulgence.

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curriculum ENGLISH

A course; particularly, a specified fixed course of study, as in a university.

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abduce ENGLISH

To draw or conduct away; to withdraw; to draw to a different part.

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foolhardy ENGLISH

Daring without judgment; foolishly adventurous and bold.

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The crime of killing one's father; also a person guilty of killing hia father

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stickle ENGLISH

To contend, contest, or altercate, esp. in a pertinacious manner on insufficient grounds.

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philosophy ENGLISH

A treatise on philosophy.

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gentilism ENGLISH

Tribal feeling; devotion to one's gens.

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tailoring ENGLISH

The business or the work of a tailor or a tailoress.

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The flat projection or iron shelf at the side of a fire grate, where things are put to be kept …

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concoct ENGLISH

To digest; to convert into nourishment by the organs of nutrition.

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jubelita GAY LINGO

a gay boy, vaklita, batang bading

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embargo ENGLISH

An edict or order of the government prohibiting the departure of ships of commerce from some or all of the …

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vineyardist ENGLISH

One who cultivates a vineyard.

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