"Pangindugang, Pangindugang" is a word in HILIGAYNON

pangindugang, pangindugang HILIGAYNON

pangindugáng, pangindúgang - To
augment, gather force or strength, increase,
add to. (cf. dúgang, sárga).

Few words of positivity

Jill showed friend Kay the cute white mice.They liked to run races for cheese.Mice were lots of fun to play with.Jill said, "Take Poopsie, the male one, please!

Melinda K. Trotter, Poopsie the Pet White Mouse

Laugh your heart out.

It was well known that a certain lake was very poor for fishing up north, but a game warden happened to notice that one guy kept coming home with his limit of fish on several occations. He asked the guy: "How is it that you are catching fish out of that lake when no one else can?" The guy replied: "Well I am going back up there tommorow, why don't you come along?" And, so the warden did. They were in the boat when the fisherman reached over and lit a stick of dynamite and then tossed it overboard. BOOM!!! There were fish floating to the surface all over! The game warden freaked out, and said: "You can't do that! That's illeagal!" The fisherman reached over and lit another stick and said: "Are you going to fish, or talk?"

Bankrupt Law LAW AND LEGAL

A law relating to bankrupts and the procedure against them in the courts. A law providing a remedy for the …

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latù n a branching, semi-transparent seaweed, greenish in color and edible. It has small, rounded growths on the branches which …

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kalabat CEBUANO

kalábat v {1} [A2; c] reach up to an amount or length of time. Ang húlaw nakakábat giyud ug tulu …

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halfcock ENGLISH

To set the cock of (a firearm) at the first notch.

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otru diya CHAVACANO

English: someday Tagalog: balang-araw

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To cause to decay and perish; to corrput; to vitiate; to mar.

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chance-medley ENGLISH

Luck; chance; accident.

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cubiform ENGLISH

Of the form of a cube.

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trackscout ENGLISH

See Trackschuyt.

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baláw - (B) An interrogative particle having the meaning of: How can you think so? Do you imagine that——, unless——? …

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deforcement ENGLISH

A keeping out by force or wrong; a wrongful withholding, as of lands or tenements, to which another has a …

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exclaim ENGLISH
olfactory ENGLISH

An olfactory organ; also, the sense of smell; -- usually in the plural.

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To become dull or stupid.

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setous ENGLISH

Thickly set with bristles or bristly hairs.

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Lat From the verb “licere:’ (q. v.) Although; notwithstanding. Import-ing, ln this sense, a direct affirmation

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untent ENGLISH

To bring out of a tent.

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pyromantic ENGLISH

One who pretends to divine by fire.

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