"Pangawat" is a word in WARAY, HILIGAYNON

pangawat WARAY

Pangawat - to rob


pangáwat - (H) Freq. of káwat—to steal,
etc. (cf. panákaw, tákaw, paníkas).


pangawát - Freq. of awát—to keep
occupied, hinder, detain, etc.

Few words of positivity

What you lack in talent can be made up with desire, hustle and giving 110 percent all the time.

Don Zimmer

Laugh your heart out.

Where do Eskimos train their dogs ?In the mush room !

angol-angol HILIGAYNON

angól-angól - Dim. and Freq. of angól. See hangúl-hangúl id. ángkat – anínaw angól-angól, Botched, bungled, clumsy, not well—done,—performed,—wrought,— cooked; …

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baul-baul HILIGAYNON

baúl-baúl - Dim. and Freq. of bául— coarse, etc. bautisár. (Sp. bautizar) To baptize, christen. Sín-o ang nagbautizár sa ímo?— …

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bitin-bitin HILIGAYNON

bitín-bítin - Dim. and Freq. of bítin. To raise slightly, etc. Also: To tuck up—, raise—, clothes slightly in order …

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burâ-burâ, burâ-búrà - Dim. and Freq. of búrà—to chatter, etc.

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dagíng - To improve, pull through, come round, get well, get better, heal, said of a wound or a disease. …

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dakin-dakin HILIGAYNON

dakín-dákin - (B) Dim. and Freq. of dákin. Also: To be quick, hasten, hurry, do quickly or with despatch. Dakíndákin …

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damot-damot HILIGAYNON

damót-dámot - Dim. and Freq. of damót. Also: To collect, gather (vegetables, dámpal – dangúp one’s thoughts or ideas, etc.). …

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dásay - To be quick, swift, fast, rapid, speedy, expeditious, do quickly, hasten, make haste. Dasáya ang ímo paghámbal. Speak …

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dasig-dasig HILIGAYNON

dasíg-dásig - Dim. and Freq. of dásig—to be quick, etc.

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datay-datay HILIGAYNON

datáy-dátay - Dim. and Freq. of dátay— to scream, etc.

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duas-duas HILIGAYNON

duás-duás - (B) Dim. and Freq. of duás. To grow rather handsome, become a little better, etc.

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dula-dula HILIGAYNON

dulâ-dúlà - Dim. and Freq. of dúlà. Also: Disappearing, melting away, changing imperceptibly from one into the other; to melt—, …

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galó-gálo, galó-galó - Dim. and Freq. of galó—to ladle, dip out, etc.

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gula-gula HILIGAYNON

gulâ-gúlà - Dim. and Freq. of gúlà— noise, etc.

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guray-guray HILIGAYNON

guráy-gúray - Dim. and Freq. of gúray— to stripe, etc.

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halay-halay HILIGAYNON

haláy-hálay - Dim. and Freq. of haláy— to suspend from, etc.

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hanágub - Filling or covering all, spread everywhere, pervading, prevailing, full; to fill or cover everything. Hanágub na ang kagab-íhon. …

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hawat-hawat HILIGAYNON

hawát-hawát - Dim. and Freq. of hawát. To eat again a little, etc. Also: To be nervous, get afraid, tremble. …

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hayat-hayat HILIGAYNON

hayát-hayát - Dim. and Freq. of hayát. Somewhat supple, flexible, extendible, etc. Hayathayatí akó siníng mga sapátos, kay gutúk sa …

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hokon-hokon HILIGAYNON

hokón-hókon - Dim. and Freq. of hókon. To roll or bundle up, pull together clothes, etc. (cf. hamókon, okón-ókon).

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