"Pangagalon" is a word in HILIGAYNON

pangagalon HILIGAYNON

pangagálon - Freq. of agálon. To seek a
master or owner, look for an employment,
or the like, hunt for a job, try to find an
employer. Ang idô nagapangagálon. The
dog is looking for its master.
Magpangagálon (Mangagálon) ka kon
walâ ka sing palamúgnan. Go and look for
somebody who will give you a job, who will

employ you (as a cook, servant, errand-boy,
washerwoman, etc.), if you are out of work
(if you have no position, if you are

Few words of positivity

She watched as the dancing lights of madness swirled and flickered in his eyes like the fires of hell, and she knew that there would never be anything that could quench those fires except death. Vanessa knew that Jango had become his own Grim Reaper.

Cedric Nye, Jango's Anthem

Laugh your heart out.

Q: How many helicopters does it take for White House aides to go play a round of golf?A: Depends on how many were photographed.

kunsidirar CEBUANO

kunsidirar v {1} [A; b(1)] give especial consideration, give al-lowance for. Mukunsidirar ku karun kay primíru pa nímung sayup, Ill …

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