"Panapang" is a word in HILIGAYNON


panápang - Inkling, thought, idea,
knowledge; to know (mostly used with
"walâ”). Walâ gid siá sing panápang kon
diín siá mapakádto. He had not an inkling
(did not care) of where he was going to.
Walâ gid silá panápang kon anó ang íla
madangátan. They have no idea of what is
in store for them. They don’t (didn’t) care
for the consequences.

Few words of positivity

For whatever reason, there are people we like and people we don't like. It's hard to say why, and often a difficult opinion to change. Luckily, there's no steadfast rule stating that we must like everyone. But to keep from disliking ourselves, we should develop the good character to treat everyone kindly whether or not we deem them deserving.

Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What can you do to help ease a heavy traffic problem?A: Carry loaded weapons.


mitru n {1} taxi meter. {2} meter (not used after the numbers of Spanish origin). Duha ka mitru (mitrus), Two …

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To meet in opposition; to act in a contrary direction; to come onto collision; to interfere.

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Far in the night, day, week, or other particular period; as, to lie abed late; to sit up late at …

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kasubô - Sorrow, grief, sadness, distress, woe, affliction, mourning, bitterness, heartache, dolour, dejection, care, dole, fret. (subô).

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A running knot, or loop, which binds the closer the more it is drawn.

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harnesser ENGLISH

One who harnesses.

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To frown; to look sullen.

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splenium ENGLISH

The thickened posterior border of the corpus callosum; -- so called in allusion to its shape.

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repose ENGLISH

A lying at rest; sleep; rest; quiet.

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cassidony ENGLISH

The goldilocks (Chrysocoma Linosyris) and perhaps other plants related to the genus Gnaphalium or cudweed.

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bunch grass ENGLISH

A grass growing in bunches and affording pasture. In California, Atropis tenuifolia, Festuca scabrella, and several kinds of Stipa are …

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karbansus CEBUANO

karbansus = karabansus.

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A small portion given as a specimen; a little piece tastted of eaten; a bit.

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gunsung CEBUANO

gunsung = gansang. gunsunggunsung = gansanggansang.

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patikan CEBUANO

patikan = aníbung.

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bukung CEBUANO

búkung n freeloader, one who gets s.t. for free, either by mooching or by not paying the bill, buying a …

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kumpì a {1} limping in ones walk because of an injury or perma-nent defect in the legs. Lúgus makadágan ang …

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gistay ILOKANO

short for NAGISTAYAN.

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