"Pamuti" is a word in HILIGAYNON


pamutí - An epidemic of smallpox, etc. See


pamutî - Freq. of putî—to be or become
white, etc.

Few words of positivity

I'm a great believer in luck. I find the harder I work the more I have of it.

Stephen Leacock

Laugh your heart out.

Where do Danish cows come from? Cowpenhagenf

praiseful ENGLISH

To finish; to cease; or to cause to cease.

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affronter ENGLISH

One who affronts, or insults to the face.

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bolter ENGLISH

One who sifts flour or meal.

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calycular ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or resembling, the bracts of a calycle.

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reinaugurate ENGLISH

To inaugurate anew.

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únyat - To stretch lengthwise, lengthen, draw out (an elastic band, etc.). Unyatá ang lástiko. Stretch the elastic band. (cf. …

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gutuk a filled to the point that it is tight. Gutuk na ang ákung tiyan, My stomach is filled to …

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coarctate ENGLISH

Pressed together; closely connected; -- applied to insects having the abdomen separated from the thorax only by a constriction.

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To cause to rise up, or assume an erect position or posture; to set up; to make upright; as, to …

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centner ENGLISH

A weight divisible first into a hundred parts, and then into smaller parts.

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contrast ENGLISH

The act of contrasting, or the state of being contrasted; comparison by contrariety of qualities.

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unsalable ENGLISH

Not salable; unmerchantable.

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chlorination ENGLISH

The act or process of subjecting anything to the action of chlorine; especially, a process for the extraction of gold …

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ritmu n rhythm. Adúnay ritmu ang pitik sa átung pulsu, Our pulse beats rhythmically.

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dewretting ENGLISH

Dewrotting; the process of decomposing the gummy matter of flax and hemp and setting the fibrous part, by exposure on …

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descend ENGLISH

To come down to a lower, less fortunate, humbler, less virtuous, or worse, state or station; to lower or abase …

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To degrade from the character of a philosopher.

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clairvoyant ENGLISH

One who is able, when in a mesmeric state, to discern objects not present to the senses.

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counterstand ENGLISH

Resistance; opposition; a stand against.

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