"Paligwis" is a word in HILIGAYNON


palígwis - (H) To cut to a point or taper,
to point, taper, give a point to sharpen to a
point, bring to a—point,—taper. (cf.

Few words of positivity

We are faced with choices every moment of our lives. Whatever choice we exercise must make us comfortable and at peace. Choices that are made out of fear and anxiety often do not lead to right action---Sasha Samy, Transcending Abuse & Betrayal.

Sasha Samy, Shadow To Light: Transformational Journeys From Abuse & Betrayal To Empowerment

Laugh your heart out.

One day a fisherman was lying on a beautiful beach, with his fishing pole propped up in the sand and his solitary line cast out into the sparkling blue surf. He was enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun and the prospect of catching a fish. About that time, a businessman came walking down the beach, trying to relieve some of the stress of his workday. He noticed the fisherman sitting on the beach and decided to find out why this fisherman was fishing instead of working harder to make a living for himself and his family. "You aren't going to catch many fish that way," said the businessman to the fisherman, "you should be working rather than lying on the beach!" The fisherman looked up at the businessman, smiled and replied, "And what will my reward be?" "Well, you can get bigger nets and catch more fish!" was the businessman's answer. "And then what will my reward be?" asked the fisherman, still smiling. The businessman replied, "You will make money and you'll be able to buy a boat, which will then result in larger catches of fish!" "And then what will my reward be?" asked the fisherman again. The businessman was beginning to get a little irritated with the fisherman's questions. "You can buy a bigger boat, and hire some people to work for you!" he said. "And then what will my reward be?" repeated the fisherman. The businessman was getting angry. "Don't you understand? You can build up a fleet of fishing boats, sail all over the world, and let all your employees catch fish for you!" Once again the fisherman asked, "And then what will my reward be?" The businessman was red with rage and shouted at the fisherman, "Don't you understand that you can become so rich that you will never have to work for your living again! You can spend all the rest of your day s sitting on this beach, looking at the sunset. You won't have a care in the world!" The fisherman, still smiling, looked up and said, "And what do you think I'm doing right now?"

acuminate ENGLISH

Tapering to a point; pointed; as, acuminate leaves, teeth, etc.

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acumination ENGLISH

A sharpening; termination in a sharp point; a tapering point.

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belemnite ENGLISH

A conical calcareous fossil, tapering to a point at the lower extremity, with a conical cavity at the other end, …

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A solid of the form described by the revolution of a right-angled triangle about one of the sides adjacent to …

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conical ENGLISH

Having the form of, or resembling, a geometrical cone; round and tapering to a point, or gradually lessening in circumference; …

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A pin of hard wood, tapering to a point, used to open the strands of a rope in splicing.

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grenadier ENGLISH

Any marine fish of the genus Macrurus, in which the body and tail taper to a point; they mostly inhabit …

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An incurved, tapering and pointed appendage found in the flowers of the milkweed (Asclepias).

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lanceolated ENGLISH

Rather narrow, tapering to a point at the apex, and sometimes at the base also; as, a lanceolate leaf.

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palágwis - To taper, taper off, cut to a point or taper, bring or sharpen to a point. Palagwisá ang …

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parígwis - (B) To cut to an angle or point, to taper. See palígwis, palágwis.

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payósan - Tapering, tapered, taper (adjective), cut or dressed to a point or taper. (cf. piyósan id.).

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Anything which tapers to a sharp, well-defined termination. Specifically: A small promontory or cape; a tract of land extending into …

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punta n s.t. pointed: {1} fluke of anchor. {2} the pointed end, tip of s.t. Nadasmag siya sa punta sa …

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saruk n {1} a wide-brimmed hat with a sharp metal point at the center, tapering to the brim, usually made …

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spinescent ENGLISH

Becoming hard and thorny; tapering gradually to a rigid, leafless point; armed with spines.

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A tapering body that shoots up or out to a point in a conical or pyramidal form. Specifically (Arch.), the …

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staktometer ENGLISH

A drop measurer; a glass tube tapering to a small orifice at the point, and having a bulb in the …

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subulated ENGLISH

Very narrow, and tapering gradually to a fine point from a broadish base; awl-shaped; linear.

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Having a tail like that of a swallow; hence, like a swallow's tail in form; having narrow and tapering or …

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