"Paliga" is a word in HILIGAYNON


palígà - (B) Caus. of lígà—to forget.
Paligáa ang bátà sináng mga butáng. Let
the child forget it (such things).

Few words of positivity

Marching and quick-marching are much easier to God's warriors than standing still.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, Based on the English Standard Version

Laugh your heart out.

What did Hamlet say when he was thinking of sending a message?To e or not to e, that is the question.

challenger ENGLISH

One who challenges.

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hyoglossal ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the hyoglossus muscle.

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gómon - To entangle, disarray, dishevel, ravel, tousle, rumple, upset, put in disorder, become entangled or complicated. Naggómon ang bunáng. …

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A genus of fishes. See Saury.

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whipstock ENGLISH

The rod or handle to which the lash of a whip is fastened.

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fractional ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to fractions or a fraction; constituting a fraction; as, fractional numbers.

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intuse ENGLISH

A bruise; a contusion.

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rúral n rural doctor, bank. Dílì maáyung ipanghuwam sa rúral kay dakug pursintu, Its no good to borrow from rural …

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embark ENGLISH

To engage, enlist, or invest (as persons, money, etc.) in any affair; as, he embarked his fortune in trade.

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depression ENGLISH

A method of operating for cataract; couching. See Couch, v. t., 8.

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pesterment ENGLISH

The act of pestering, or the state of being pestered; vexation; worry.

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foul-mouthed ENGLISH

Using language scurrilous, opprobrious, obscene, or profane; abusive.

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pamídyà - To finger, twang, touch or play a musical instrument. Pamidyái sing maáyo ang mga kwérdas. Finger the chords …

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kita Definition: see kita1 see kita2

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impirmariya CEBUANO

impirmaríya, impirmarya n infirmary.

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subaerial ENGLISH

Beneath the sky; in the open air; specifically (Geol.), taking place on the earth's surface, as opposed to subaqueous.

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bedside ENGLISH

The side of a bed.

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sucker ENGLISH

A nickname applied to a native of Illinois.

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sambali, sambali HILIGAYNON

sambálì, sambáli - To twist, contort the limbs, as in wrestling, dancing, etc.

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