"Palangri" is a word in CEBUANO

palangri CEBUANO

palangri n general name for longline fishing in deep waters.
v [AN; b6] go longline fishing.
palanhay (not without l) a sloping gradually.
v [B1; a12] be, become a gradual slope.
Abunúhig yútà sa ubus arun mapalan-hay ang baháda, Put in filling in the part below so that it will be an easy grade.

Few words of positivity

I lie about lying, which means I can lie


Laugh your heart out.

A guy driving a truck in the middle of nowhere picks up a hitch-hiker.It gets dark and the hitch-hiker falls asleep. Suddenly bang, and thehitch-hiker wakes up,"what the hell was that?". The truck driverreplies, "some kinda animal, go back to sleep."Further the same thing again, bang, "What the hell was that?","some kinda animal again."Further into the night, bang, bang, bang, "What the hell was that?","Some bastard!". "How terrible",says the hitch-hiker, "but there were3 bangs"The truck driver replies, "Yeah, well I had to go through two fencesto get the bastard. . ."

bahayan CEBUANO

bahayan n {1} rope sewn to the edge of a net to make it sti? and as a place to …

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batang CEBUANO

batang, bátang v [A; c] lie prostrate. Nagbatang na ang masakitun ug pila ka búlan sa banig, The patient has …

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kitang CEBUANO

kitang n k. o. longline sea fishing, done with a main line (baháyan) to which individual leaders with hooks are …

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kulambut CEBUANO

kulambut v {1} [A; b6(1)] tie a string across a row of strings, crisscross fashion, to make netting for s.t. …

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lunglayin CEBUANO

lunglayin n longline fishing.

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salabay CEBUANO

salábay (not without l) n k. o. longline fishing for small fishes where several hooks are attached to a line …

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