"Palangolohan, Palangolohan" is a word in HILIGAYNON

palangolohan, palangolohan HILIGAYNON

palangolóhan, palangolohán - Needing, lacking or wanting a —head, —
chief, —director. (cf. ólo, pangólo,

Few words of positivity

The word of God gives hope.

Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!

Laugh your heart out.

Why are dolphins cleverer than humans ? Within 3 hours they can train a man to stand at the side of a pool and feed them fish !

biuret ENGLISH

A white, crystalline, nitrogenous substance, C2O2N3H5, formed by heating urea. It is intermediate between urea and cyanuric acid.

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sipon Definition: (noun) cold; catarrh

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deforciation ENGLISH

Same as Deforcement, n.

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definitely ENGLISH

In a definite manner; with precision; precisely; determinately.

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rubstone ENGLISH

A stone for scouring or rubbing; a whetstone; a rub.

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showerless ENGLISH

Rainless; freo from showers.

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cinchonine ENGLISH

One of the quinine group of alkaloids isomeric with and resembling cinchonidine; -- called also cinchonia.

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occasion ENGLISH

A favorable opportunity; a convenient or timely chance; convenience.

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campaned ENGLISH

Furnished with, or bearing, campanes, or bells.

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pangúrab - Caus. of ngúrab—to growl, grumble, murmur.

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Lat In Roman law. A tab-let Used ln voting, and in giving the ver-dict of juries; aud, when written upon, …

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sorbonical ENGLISH

Belonging to the Sorbonne or to a Sorbonist.

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Contrapositio LAW AND LEGAL

In old English law. A plea or answer. Blount A counter-po-sition

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truttaceous ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a trout; as, fish of the truttaceous kind.

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coagulate ENGLISH

To cause (a liquid) to change into a curdlike or semisolid state, not by evaporation but by some kind of …

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camail ENGLISH

a hood worn in church services, -- the amice, or the like.

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pretty ENGLISH

Pleasing by delicacy or grace; attracting, but not striking or impressing; of a pleasing and attractive form a color; having …

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preadamite ENGLISH

An inhabitant of the earth before Adam.

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excern ENGLISH

To excrete; to throw off through the pores; as, fluids are excerned in perspiration.

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