"Palamuypuy" is a word in HILIGAYNON

palamuypuy HILIGAYNON

palamúypuy - (H) Weakness, debility,
lassitude, frailty, feebleness; to be or
become weak, etc. (cf. púypuy, lúya,
palan—, palang—, palang—,
palam—, Forms of pan—(which see) with
an intercalated—la—. They are very often
used for the formation of "frequentative

verbs” (especially plural forms) and nouns,
e.g. palangdokót—to stick to (dokót);
palangláspì—to grow pale (láspì);
palanóktan—debts (taxes) to be collected
(sokót), etc. etc.

Few words of positivity

Eternal snows are at the top. Eyes of beautiful are at the top. (Neiges éternelles sont au sommet. - Yeux de la belle sont au sommet.)

Charles de Leusse

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why did the blonde have a hysterectomy?A: She wanted to stop having grandchildren.


paláng - A slice, cut, cutlet, piece of meat, etc. Pabákli akó sing isá ka paláng nga unúd sang báka. …

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palang-palang HILIGAYNON

paláng-paláng - Husks, pods, (of the sebúkaw-tree, etc.).

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