"Palama" is a word in ENGLISH

palama ENGLISH

A membrane extending between the toes of a bird, and
uniting them more or less closely together.

Few words of positivity

Love does not mean just joining lips and belly. It is much more. One should have respect for the other.

Girdhar Joshi, Some Mistakes Have No Pardon

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the boxer date the pretty girl? Because she was a knockout!

afterbirth ENGLISH

The placenta and membranes with which the fetus is connected, and which come away after delivery.

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aliped ENGLISH

An animal whose toes are connected by a membrane, serving for a wing, as the bat.

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allantoid ENGLISH

A membranous appendage of the embryos of mammals, birds, and reptiles, -- in mammals serving to connect the fetus with …

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ámban - A polypus, especially a polypous tumour in the mucous membrane of the nose.

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amnion ENGLISH

A thin membrane surrounding the embryos of mammals, birds, and reptiles.

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ampulla ENGLISH

Any membranous bag shaped like a leathern bottle, as the dilated end of a vessel or duct; especially the dilations …

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anhistous ENGLISH

Without definite structure; as, an anhistous membrane.

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apterous ENGLISH

Destitute of winglike membranous expansions, as a stem or petiole; -- opposed to alate.

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arachnitis ENGLISH

Inflammation of the arachnoid membrane.

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arachnoid ENGLISH

Pertaining to a thin membrane of the brain and spinal cord, between the dura mater and pia mater.

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arachnoid ENGLISH

The arachnoid membrane.

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arachnoidal ENGLISH

Pertaining to the arachnoid membrane; arachnoid.

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araneous ENGLISH

Cobweblike; extremely thin and delicate, like a cobweb; as, the araneous membrane of the eye. See Arachnoid.

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A small membranous bladder or tube in which are inclosed the seedlike reproductive particles or sporules of lichens and certain …

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Paps, or little projections, of the mucous membrane, which mark the opening of the submaxillary glands under the tongue in …

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One of the Cheiroptera, an order of flying mammals, in which the wings are formed by a membrane stretched between …

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blastoderm ENGLISH

The germinal membrane in an ovum, from which the embryo is developed.

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Pertaining to the membrane covering the gills of fishes.

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branchiostege ENGLISH

The branchiostegal membrane. See Illustration in Appendix.

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bunion ENGLISH

An enlargement and inflammation of a small membranous sac (one of the bursae muscosae), usually occurring on the first joint …

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