"Pahit" is a word in CEBUANO


pahit v [AN; a2b7] {1} bite using the front teeth, for insects or animals to bite.
Gipahit ku sa mga umígas, The ants bit me.
Pahitan nákug gamay ang ímung pán, Ill take a bite from your piece of bread.
{2} for animals to go at young corn.
Gi-pahit sa irù ang mais sa anagun pa, The dog went at the young corn.
paN- v [A] {1} bite ones lips.
Nakapamahit ang sarhintu sa íyang ngábil sa kasukù, The sergeant bit his lips in anger.
{2} for heat to be biting.
Nagpamahit nga kaínit sa adlaw, The scorching heat of the sun.
-in-an n bite inflicted on one.
Pinahitan sa lamuk, Mosquito bites.

Few words of positivity

We have been chosen and called to be like Jesus Christ.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What's the slowest thing in the world?A: A Mexican funeral with only two sets of jumper cables.


áb-ab - To eat or bite off a piece: to undermine and carry off, wash away (of water). Ab-abá lang …

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ángkab - A snap, bite; to snap, bite, seize suddenly with the teeth. Ginángkab siá sang idô. He was bitten …

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bangingi CEBUANO

bangíngi v [A2; a12] turn back to bite or fight with s. o. Mubangíngig páak ang iring ug gunítan sa …

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bángkit - To nibble, gnaw, bite off; to diminish, take from; cut off. Sa sugálan binangkitán siá níla sing ápat …

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bayà {1} particle giving an admonitary tone. {a} with an imperative: make sure that, better do. Hinumdumi bayà, Youd better …

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búgnaw - Cold, chill, chilliness, coolness; frigidity, freshness; to be or become cool, fresh, frigid, chilly, keen, bleak, raw, nipping, …

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daitul CEBUANO

daitul, daítul v [A; c] touch a small part of s.t. against s.t. else. Midaítul siya sa íyang ngábil sa …

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dalamgohanon HILIGAYNON

dalamgohánon - (H) Dream, sleep; vision, shadow, man in the moon, castle in the air, vagary, fiction, utopia. (dámgo) dalámhà, …

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dughù v {1} [A; a] poke at s.t. that is up high with a pole. Dughúa ang kisami arun muhílum …

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gús-ab - To bite, snap, nip, gnaw, champ, manch, crunch, craunch, nibble (a bone or the like). Gingus-abán sang idô …

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habhab CEBUANO

habhab v {1} [A; a] for pigs to eat. {1a} for people to eat (derogatory). Gihabhab sa mga bilat sa …

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háit a {1} sharp-edged. Háit nga kutsilyu, A sharp knife. {2} sharp-pointed. Háit nga mga batu, Sharp-pointed rocks. Háit kaáyu …

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hakbang CEBUANO

hakbang v [A; ab2] bite with a quick snapping motion. Gihak-bang sa irù ang ákung tiil, The dog snapped at …

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halang CEBUANO

hálang a {1a} having a hot, biting taste. Hálang kaáyu ang síling kulikut, Red peppers are very hot. {1b} for …

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hangbat CEBUANO

hangbat v [A; a1b2] take a large bite with a snapping action. Gihambat ang ákung páa sa íhu, The shark …

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háng-it - To nibble, gnaw, bite off piece by piece. Iní nga bátà sa gihápon may ginaháng-it nga kalan-ónon. This …

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hangut CEBUANO

hangut v [AN; a12] bite at, chew s.t. rubbery or sinewy. Milugnut ang baktin, nagpanghangut sa láang, The wild pig …

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harána - (Sp. jarana) Serenade; to serenade. hárang, (B) Sharp, hot, biting, pungent, peppery, acrid, acerb, burning the tongue; to …

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hawid, háwid a similar, resembling. Mas hawid sa amahan ang kamagulángan, The eldest is most similar in appearance to his …

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higut v {1a} [A; b6(1)] tie s.t. up. Higti ang irù arun dì kapaak, Tie the dog up so it …

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