"Pagtulang" is a word in WARAY

pagtulang WARAY

Pagtulang - to push

Few words of positivity

f you don’t heal yourself, you willcontinue relying on miracles to heal your manifestations,one after another, creating a cycle where you don’t makeany progress. Unless the root cause is eliminated, the problem will reappear in some form.

Elizabeth M. Herrera, Earth Sentinels: The Storm Creators

Laugh your heart out.

The politician was sitting at his campaign headquarters when the phone rang. He listened intently, and after a moment his face brightened. When he hung up, he immediately phoned his mother to tell her the good news. "Ma," he shouted, "the results are in. I won the election!" "Honestly?" The politician's smiled faded. "Aw hell, ma, why bring that up at a time like this?"

ailment ENGLISH

Indisposition; morbid affection of the body; -- not applied ordinarily to acute diseases.

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To remain where placed; to be fixed; to hold fast to any position so as to be moved with difficulty; …

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turnsole ENGLISH

A kind of spurge (Euphorbia Helioscopia).

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kúruk v {1} [A; a] call a chicken to come by saying krrrk-krrrk, rolling the rs in a high-pitched voice. …

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Physical ill treatment; injury.

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polish ENGLISH

Fig.: Refinement; elegance of manners.

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lucchese ENGLISH

A native or inhabitant of Lucca, in Tuscany; in the plural, the people of Lucca.

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kunail ILOKANO

v. /MAKA-/ to be able to move slowly: usually used negatively. Saan nga makakunail ni Pedro ti bannog na. Peter …

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atrophy ENGLISH

A wasting away from want of nourishment; diminution in bulk or slow emaciation of the body or of any part.

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ingun pa- toward. Midágan siya paingun sa gawang, He ran toward the door. v {1} [A; c] head for. Ug …

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bagsak TAGALOG

bagsak Definition: see bagsak1 see bagsak2

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spheromere ENGLISH

Any one of the several symmetrical segments arranged around the central axis and composing the body of a radiate anmal.

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The act of forming into a class or classes; a distibution into groups, as classes, orders, families, etc., according to …

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puút - Stopped, discontinued, ceased, finished; to stop, discontinue, desist, stay, give over, end, break—, leave—, off, finish, make an …

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malthusianism ENGLISH

The system of Malthusian doctrines relating to population.

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aspirant ENGLISH

One who aspires; one who eagerly seeks some high position or object of attainment.

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To be joined in paris; to couple; to mate, as for breeding.

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