"Pagpalpaliwaan" is a word in ILOKANO

pagpalpaliwaan ILOKANO

n. something that serves to console. 1 LOBO [f. Sp.], n. wolf. 2 LOBO [f. Sp.], n. balloon. LOKAL [f. Sp.], adj. local, made in or originating from the locality. LOKO [f. Sp.], adj. /(NA-)/ foolish, mischievous. v. /MANG-:-EN/ to fool, dupe, deceive. LOLA [f. Sp.], n. grandmother. --syn. LELANG. --ant. LOLO. LOLO [f. Sp.], n. grandfather. --var. LOLONG. --syn. LELONG. --ant. LOLA.

pagpalpaliwaan ILOKANO

see under LIWLIWA. PAGSALAPAYAN [cf. SALAPAY], n. clothesline, anything where clothes are hung to dry or air.

Few words of positivity

We are, all of us, exploring a world none of us understands...searching for a more immediate, ecstatic, and penetrating mode of living...for the integrity, the courage to be whole, living in relation to one another in the full poetry of existence. The struggle for an integrated life existing in an atmosphere of communal trust and respect is one with desperately important political and social consequences...Fear is always with us, but we just don't have time for it.-Commencement Speech, Wellesley 1969

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Laugh your heart out.

An Irish priest and a Rabbi get into a car accident. They both get out of their cars and stumble over to the side of the road. The Rabbi says, "Oy vey! What a wreck!" The priest asks him, "Are you all right, Rabbi?" The Rabbi responds, "Just a little shaken." The priest pulls a flask of whiskey from his coat and says, "Here, drink some of this it will calm your nerves." The Rabbi takes the flask and drinks it down and says, "Well, what are we going to tell the police?" "Well," the priest says, "I don't know what your aft' to be tellin' them. But I'll be tellin' them I wasn't the one drinkin'."

abalen ILOKANO

n. a kind of white larva that lives in the earth and kills plants by gnawing at their roots. ABANIKO …

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v. /MAKI-/ to have adulterous relations with someone; to commit adultery. Saan ka nga makiabig. Don’t commit adultery. /MAKI-: KA-/ …

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= ABEL + -EN. ABOGADO [f. Sp.], n. lawyer. ABOGASIA [f. Sp.], n. law course, law degree. ABOKADO [f. Sp.], …

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Unconditional; complete and perfect ln itself, wlthout relation to, or dependence on, other things or persons,—as an absolute right; without …

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adiwara ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to spread, diffuse. Agadiwara ti banglo dayta sampagita. The fragrance of that sampaguita flower spreads. ADMINISTRASION [f. Sp.], …

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agnobio ILOKANO

n.pl. sweethearts. NOMINASION [f. Sp.], n, nomination.

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n. a kind of tree resembling the pine tree. AGOSTO [f. Sp.], n. August.

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agraman ILOKANO

see under RAMAN. AGRIKULTURA [f. Sp.], n. agriculture.

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n. current. --see AYOS. AHENSIA [ahεnsia; f. Sp.], n. agency; shop. AHENTE [ahεntε; f. Sp.], n. agent, representative. -AK, pron. …

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v. /AG-, MANG-:-EN/ to take, collect or gather inside (usually clothes) (from where they have been placed to dry). Akasem …

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v. /AG-/ [with pl. subject] to be joined or placed together facing each other (e.g. hands, plates, shells), to be …

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alagaden ILOKANO

n. rule, regulation. Dagitoy ti alagaden ti nasayaat nga umili. These are the rules of good townspeople. ALAHAS [f. Sp.], …

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adj. /NA-/ ugly, not pretty; improper, indecent. --var. (dial.) GALAS. 2 ALAS [f. Sp.], n. ace of playing cards. 3 …

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aliwegweg ILOKANO

adj. /NA-/ restless, active, turbulent, fidgety, uneasy. ALKALDE [alkáldε; f. Sp.], n. mayor, city or mayor. mayor. --syn. MAYOR.

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ to invite (someone) to be one’s partner in dancing; to invite (someone) to dance with oneself. Inka allupen …

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alsong ILOKANO

n. mortar. ALTAPRESION [altaprεsión; f. Sp.], n. high-blood pressure.

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ambing ILOKANO

v. /AG-, -UM-/ to envy or desire to have or eat something which some other person has. Apay nga umamambing …

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adj. /NA-/ covetous, grasping, avaricious, greedy. v. /AG-, MANG-:-EN/ to covet. Dika agameng ti dimo kukua. Don’t covet what is …

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adj. /NA-/ weak, flat (wine, liquor, food, etc.). AMNESIA [amnísia; f. Eng.], n. amnesia.

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n. opalescence, luminescence, phosphorescence. v. /AG-/ to be luminous. ANDAS [f. Sp.], n. a frame on which a religious image …

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