"Oxygenizement" is a word in ENGLISH

oxygenizement ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

Let us realize that: the privilege to work is a gift, the power to work is a blessing, the love of work is success!

David O. McKay

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Bunny !Bunny who ?Bunny thing is, I've forgotten now !kn

acetal ENGLISH

A limpid, colorless, inflammable liquid from the slow oxidation of alcohol under the influence of platinum black.

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aldehyde ENGLISH

A colorless, mobile, and very volatile liquid obtained from alcohol by certain processes of oxidation.

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alkarsin ENGLISH

A spontaneously inflammable liquid, having a repulsive odor, and consisting of cacodyl and its oxidation products; -- called also Cadel's …

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alloxan ENGLISH

An oxidation product of uric acid. It is of a pale reddish color, readily soluble in water or alcohol.

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aluminium ENGLISH

The metallic base of alumina. This metal is white, but with a bluish tinge, and is remarkable for its resistance …

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amphid ENGLISH

A salt of the class formed by the combination of an acid and a base, or by the union of …

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Anaesthesia LAW AND LEGAL

In medical jurisprudence. (1) Loss of sensatlon, or insensibility to paln, general or local, induced by the ad-ministration or application …

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anhydride ENGLISH

An oxide of a nonmetallic body or an organic radical, capable of forming an acid by uniting with the elements …

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anthraquinone ENGLISH

A hydrocarbon, C6H4.C2O2.C6H4, subliming in shining yellow needles. It is obtained by oxidation of anthracene.

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arsenic ENGLISH

Arsenious oxide or arsenious anhydride; -- called also arsenious acid, white arsenic, and ratsbane.

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Pertaining to, or derived from, gold; -- said of those compounds of gold in which this element has its higher …

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aurous ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or derived from, gold; -- said of those compounds of gold in which this element has its lower …

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Of or pertaining to barium; as, baric oxide.

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barium ENGLISH

One of the elements, belonging to the alkaline earth group; a metal having a silver-white color, and melting at a …

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baryta ENGLISH

An oxide of barium (or barytum); a heavy earth with a specific gravity above 4.

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A glassy drop of molten flux, as borax or microcosmic salt, used as a solvent and color test for several …

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benzile ENGLISH

A yellowish crystalline substance, C6H5.CO.CO.C6H5, formed from benzoin by the action of oxidizing agents, and consisting of a doubled benzoyl …

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A mineral of great hardness, and, when transparent, of much beauty. It occurs in hexagonal prisms, commonly of a green …

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biliverdin ENGLISH

A green pigment present in the bile, formed from bilirubin by oxidation.

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Indurated clay, when much mixed with the oxide of iron.

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