"Overwind" is a word in ENGLISH

overwind ENGLISH

To wind too tightly, as a spring, or too far, as a
hoisting rope on a drum.

Few words of positivity

Only in books the flat and final happens, Only in dreams we meet and interlock....

Philip Larkin

Laugh your heart out.

How can you make a basset hound fast? Take away its food!


Backward against the mast; -- said of the sails when pressed by the wind.

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abagat ILOKANO
abansada CEBUANO

abansáda a exposed to the wind. v [B12; c1] for s.t. to be directly open to the wind. Naabansáda sa …

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abansáda - (Sp. avanzada) Exposed, open (to the wind), (cf. ábong, bansáda).

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ábong - On the windward side, not under the lee, open or exposed to the wind; to be or become …

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ábung v [A; c] bar, block the way. Abúngan ta ning karsádag dakung batu, Lets block the road with a …

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accordion ENGLISH

A small, portable, keyed wind instrument, whose tones are generated by play of the wind upon free metallic reeds.

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adrift ENGLISH

Floating at random; in a drifting condition; at the mercy of wind and waves. Also fig.

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adverse ENGLISH

Acting against, or in a contrary direction; opposed; contrary; opposite; conflicting; as, adverse winds; an adverse party; a spirit adverse …

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aeolian ENGLISH

Pertaining to Aeolus, the mythic god of the winds; pertaining to, or produced by, the wind; aerial.

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aeolus ENGLISH

The god of the winds.

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The southwest wind.

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afflatus ENGLISH

A breath or blast of wind.

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agglomerate ENGLISH

To wind or collect into a ball; hence, to gather into a mass or anything like a mass.

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agik-ik CEBUANO

agik-ik v [A; b6] laugh, but not openly. Nag-agik-ik sila pag-pangutut sa maistra, They snickered when the teacher broke wind.

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agitate ENGLISH

To move with a violent, irregular action; as, the wind agitates the sea; to agitate water in a vessel.

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ahat a {1} done before the proper time. Ahat nga kamatáyun, Premature death. {2} forced. Ahat nga pahiyum, A forced …

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Near the wind; as, to lay a ship ahold.

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Air in motion; a light breeze; a gentle wind.

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alangaang CEBUANO

alangáang n for weather to be oppressively hot and moist with no wind. Alangáang kaáyu; tingáli muulan, It is very …

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