"Overslaugh" is a word in ENGLISH

overslaugh ENGLISH

To hinder or stop, as by an overslaugh or an
impediment; as, to overslaugh a bill in a legislative body; to
overslaugh a military officer, that is, to hinder his promotion or

overslaugh ENGLISH

A bar in a river; as, the overslaugh in the Hudson

Few words of positivity

Love is not a verb. Love is a noun. Love’s activity is people breathing, cells dividing, a dove taking a flight. This grammar of life not all can see.

Mohit Parikh, Manan

Laugh your heart out.

Monster: Doctor, doctor, I'm a blood-sucking monster and I keep needing to eat doctors. Doctor: Oh what a shame. I'm a dentist.

declaratively ENGLISH

By distinct assertion; not impliedly; in the form of a declaration.

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kúmbung - Curtain; to curtain off, draw or use a curtain. Kumbungí akó. Curtain me off—or—Draw a curtain around me. …

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reiglement ENGLISH

Rule; regulation.

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affusion ENGLISH

The act of pouring water or other fluid on the whole or a part of the body, as a remedy …

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A suffix indicating that the substance to the name of which it is affixed is a member of the carbohydrate …

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Flying Switch LAW AND LEGAL

In railroading, a flying switch is made by uncoupling the cars from the engine while ln motion, and throw-ing the …

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flagellate ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the Flagellata.

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To act with force in opposition to force impressed; to exercise repulsion.

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sourkrout ENGLISH

Same as Sauerkraut.

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noxious ENGLISH

Hurtful; harmful; baneful; pernicious; injurious; destructive; unwholesome; insalubrious; as, noxious air, food, or climate; pernicious; corrupting to morals; as, noxious …

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osculate ENGLISH

To touch closely, so as to have a common curvature at the point of contact. See Osculation, 2.

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omitter ENGLISH

ulila Definition: (noun) orphan

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n. flock, herd, drove.

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rationalistic ENGLISH

Alt. of Rationalistical

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A medium of great elasticity and extreme tenuity, supposed to pervade all space, the interior of solid bodies not excepted, …

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incompetent ENGLISH

Not competent; wanting in adequate strength, power, capacity, means, qualifications, or the like; incapable; unable; inadequate; unfit.

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An amphitheatrical circle for sports; a circus.

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phantasm ENGLISH

An image formed by the mind, and supposed to be real or material; a shadowy or airy appearance; sometimes, an …

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