"Overshadowed" is a word in ENGLISH

overshadowed ENGLISH

of Overshadow

Few words of positivity

A bull does not enjoy fame in two herds.

Rhodesian proverb

Laugh your heart out.

What did the werewolf write at the bottom of the letter? Best vicious . . .

adumbrate ENGLISH

To overshadow; to shade.

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alum-um CEBUANO

alum-um a for the sky to be overcast. v {1} [B] become overcast. Mialum-um ang búwan, The moon became covered …

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álung v [A; b6] cast a shadow over s.t. Ang taas káhuy nag-álung sa ákung gardin, The tall tree casts …

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That which has a dark, lowering, or threatening aspect; that which temporarily overshadows, obscures, or depresses; as, a cloud of …

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dampúgan - Overshadowing, lowering, threatening, terrible, fearful, awful, terrific, gigantic; of evil omen or impending misfortune. (cf. dámpug; makahahádluk, makakulúgmat, …

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halung CEBUANO

halung, hálung v [A; b(1)] {1} cast shade over plants so as to stunt their growth. Wà mutúbù ang rúsas …

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hawóng - Shadow, shade; overshadowed, in the shade, shaded; to overshadow, keep in the shade. Nahawongán sang páhò iníng mga …

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hulúng - Shadow, shade; growing or situated in the shade; to overshadow, give shade, throw a shadow upon. Magpúngkò kitá …

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lamhung CEBUANO

lamhung a {1} growing thickly and profusely, esp. such that other plants are crowded out. {2} choking o? or overshadow-ing, …

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lúmà v [B126] be overshadowed by s.t. else, put into the back-ground (used by speakers influenced by Tagalog). Malúmà nang …

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mahagbong HILIGAYNON

mahágbong - Shady, shaded, shadowy, overshadowed, sheltered from the glare of light; dark, cloudy. (hágbong).

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overgloom ENGLISH

To spread gloom over; to make gloomy; to overshadow.

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overshade ENGLISH

To cover with shade; to render dark or gloomy; to overshadow.

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overshadow ENGLISH

Fig.: To cover with a superior influence.

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overshadow ENGLISH

To throw a shadow, or shade, over; to darken; to obscure.

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overshadower ENGLISH

One that throws a shade, or shadow, over anything.

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overshadowy ENGLISH
umbrage ENGLISH

The feeling of being overshadowed; jealousy of another, as standing in one's light or way; hence, suspicion of injury or …

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