"Osad" is a word in HILIGAYNON


ósad - To jump, jump up and down, skip,
dance. (cf. túmbò).

Few words of positivity

If you look for God in your relationships, you will always find things to be thankful for. When God reigns in our hearts, peace reigns in our relationships. This work will only be complete in heaven but there is much we can enjoy now.

Timothy S. Lane, Relationships: A Mess Worth Making

Laugh your heart out.

The cyclist, passing a pedestrian crossing, runs into a man, and they both fall down. -"Geez, are you lucky." The cyclist says. -"What do you mean by lucky ?" The pedestrian angrily asks. "I got hurt really bad." -"Ah, you're lucky because I recently lost my license. I usually drive a bus."

puludanan HILIGAYNON

puludanán - The back. See pudanán.

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formative ENGLISH

Serving to form; derivative; not radical; as, a termination merely formative.

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To shine with flame; to glow with flame; as, the fire blazes.

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To break up, or to pieces suddenly, as the result of collision or pressure.

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variously ENGLISH

In various or different ways.

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subimago ENGLISH

A stage in the development of certain insects, such as the May flies, intermediate between the pupa and imago. In …

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harani WARAY
adjunctive ENGLISH

Joining; having the quality of joining; forming an adjunct.

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libatory ENGLISH

Pertaining to libation.

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To be shed; to run over; to fall out, and be lost or wasted.

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immarginate ENGLISH

Not having a distinctive margin or border.

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vowelism ENGLISH

The use of vowels.

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septangle ENGLISH

A figure which has seven angles; a heptagon.

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enormity ENGLISH

That which is enormous; especially, an exceeding offense against order, right, or decency; an atrocious crime; flagitious villainy; an atrocity.

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To enslave; to bind; to tie

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fabricate ENGLISH

To form into a whole by uniting its parts; to frame; to construct; to build; as, to fabricate a bridge …

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abut, saka CHAVACANO

English: reach, get Tagalog: abot

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The rhachis and web of a feather taken together.

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hulunawan HILIGAYNON

hulunáwan - (H) A wash-basin, washhand-basin. (cf. hunáw).

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