"Orthotone" is a word in ENGLISH

orthotone ENGLISH

Retaining the accent; not enclitic; -- said of certain
indefinite pronouns and adverbs when used interrogatively, which, when
not so used, are ordinarilly enclitic.

Few words of positivity

I know you are afraid you are afraid to get hurt again. But I also know that you are not meant to grieve forever.

Christina Rasmussen, Second Firsts Live Laugh and Love Again

Laugh your heart out.

The couple was dining out when the wife noticed a familiar face at the bar. "Elliot," she said, pointing "do you see that man downing bourbon at the bar?"The husband looked over and nodded. "Well," the woman continued, "he's been drinking like that for 10 years, ever since I jilted him!"The husband returned to his meal. "Nonsense," he said, "even that's not worth so much celebrating!"


pron. my: the enclitic possessive of SIAK. --var. -K (after a vowel). KOBER [kobεr; f. Eng.], n, cover (of a …

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an enclitic particle used to indicate future time. --se.

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