"Orthogonally" is a word in ENGLISH

orthogonally ENGLISH

Perpendicularly; at right angles; as, a curve cuts
a set of curves orthogonally.

Few words of positivity

One of the most important things God wants to teach us from the Old Testament is how not to live.

Billy Graham, Billy Graham in Quotes

Laugh your heart out.

What should you do if a monster runs through your front door? Run through the back door.

cathetus ENGLISH

One line or radius falling perpendicularly on another; as, the catheti of a right-angled triangle, that is, the two sides …

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kathetal ENGLISH

Making a right angle; perpendicular, as two lines or two sides of a triangle, which include a right angle.

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normal ENGLISH

According to a square or rule; perpendicular; forming a right angle. Specifically: Of or pertaining to a normal.

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oblique ENGLISH

Not erect or perpendicular; neither parallel to, nor at right angles from, the base; slanting; inclined.

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obliquity ENGLISH

The condition of being oblique; deviation from a right line; deviation from parallelism or perpendicularity; the amount of such deviation; …

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perpendicular ENGLISH

Exactly upright or vertical; pointing to the zenith; at right angles to the plane of the horizon; extending in a …

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perpendicular ENGLISH

A line at right angles to the plane of the horizon; a vertical line or direction.

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perpendicular ENGLISH

A line or plane falling at right angles on another line or surface, or making equal angles with it on …

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perpendicular ENGLISH

At right angles to a given line or surface; as, the line ad is perpendicular to the line bc.

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substyle ENGLISH

A right line on which the style, or gnomon, of a dial is erected; being the common section of the …

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