"Oratorical" is a word in ENGLISH

oratorical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to an orator or to oratory;
characterized by oratory; rhetorical; becoming to an orator; as, an
oratorical triumph; an oratorical essay.

Few words of positivity

Let me tell you quite bluntly that this king business has given me personally nothing but headaches.

Mohammed Reza Pahlavi

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the firefly keep stealing things ?What goes "snap, crackle and pop" ?A firefly with a short circuit !

oratory ENGLISH

The art of an orator; the art of public speaking in an eloquent or effective manner; the exercise of rhetorical …

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One of the various general forms of argument employed in probable as distinguished from demonstrative reasoning, -- denominated by Aristotle …

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