"Oracling" is a word in ENGLISH

oracling ENGLISH

of Oracle

Few words of positivity

True humility isn’t thinking less of yourself. It’s thinking of yourself exactly the way God thinks of you not more and not less.

Praying Medic, Divine Healing Made Simple: Simplifying the supernatural to make healing & miracles a part of your everyday life

Laugh your heart out.

Would you rather have a baby brother or a baby sister? I'd much rather have a jelly baby.

adytum ENGLISH

The innermost sanctuary or shrine in ancient temples, whence oracles were given. Hence: A private chamber; a sanctum.

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delphic ENGLISH

Of or relating to Delphi, or to the famous oracle of that place.

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oracle ENGLISH

To utter oracles.

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oracle ENGLISH

A wise sentence or decision of great authority.

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oracle ENGLISH

The answer of a god, or some person reputed to be a god, to an inquiry respecting some affair or …

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oracle ENGLISH

Hence: The deity who was supposed to give the answer; also, the place where it was given.

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oracle ENGLISH

One who communicates a divine command; an angel; a prophet.

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oracle ENGLISH

The sanctuary, or Most Holy place in the temple; also, the temple itself.

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oracle ENGLISH

Any person reputed uncommonly wise; one whose decisions are regarded as of great authority; as, a literary oracle.

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oracle ENGLISH

The communications, revelations, or messages delivered by God to the prophets; also, the entire sacred Scriptures -- usually in the …

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oracular ENGLISH

Resembling an oracle in some way, as in solemnity, wisdom, authority, obscurity, ambiguity, dogmatism.

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oracular ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to an oracle; uttering oracles; forecasting the future; as, an oracular tongue.

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oraculous ENGLISH

Oracular; of the nature of an oracle.

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palangitum HILIGAYNON

palangitúm - (H) To become dark, black (in the face, etc.). Nagapalangitúm ang íya guyá gíkan sa masoswélo. She is …

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pythian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Delphi, to the temple of Apollo, or to the priestess of Apollo, who delivered oracles at …

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scriptural ENGLISH

Contained in the Scriptures; according to the Scriptures, or sacred oracles; biblical; as, a scriptural doctrine.

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theomancy ENGLISH

A kind of divination drawn from the responses of oracles among heathen nations.

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trophonian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Trophonius, his architecture, or his cave and oracle.

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understand ENGLISH

To have just and adequate ideas of; to apprehended the meaning or intention of; to have knowledge of; to comprehend; …

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