"Oligandrous" is a word in ENGLISH

oligandrous ENGLISH

Having few stamens.

Few words of positivity

Sometimes the house of the future is better built, lighter and larger than all the houses of the past, so that the image of the dream house is opposed to that of the childhood home. Late in life, with indomitable courage, we continue to say that we are going to do what we have not yet done: we are going to build a house. This dream house may be merely a dream of ownership, the embodiment of everything that is considered convenient, comfortable, healthy, sound, desirable, by other people. It must therefore satisfy both pride and reason, two irreconcilable terms.

Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the Aggie think the weatherman got the sunny forecast wrong?-The Aggie drove through a car wash

abortive ENGLISH

Imperfectly formed or developed; rudimentary; sterile; as, an abortive organ, stamen, ovule, etc.

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adelphia ENGLISH

A \"brotherhood,\" or collection of stamens in a bundle; -- used in composition, as in the class names, Monadelphia, Diadelphia, …

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adelphous ENGLISH

Having coalescent or clustered filaments; -- said of stamens; as, adelphous stamens. Usually in composition; as, monadelphous.

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adherent ENGLISH

Congenitally united with an organ of another kind, as calyx with ovary, or stamens with petals.

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anandrous ENGLISH

Destitute of stamens, as certain female flowers.

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androecium ENGLISH

The stamens of a flower taken collectively.

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andropetalous ENGLISH

Produced by the conversion of the stamens into petals, as double flowers, like the garden ranunculus.

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androphore ENGLISH

A support or column on which stamens are raised.

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androtomous ENGLISH

Having the filaments of the stamens divided into two parts.

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androus ENGLISH

A terminal combining form: Having a stamen or stamens; staminate; as, monandrous, with one stamen; polyandrous, with many stamens.

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anisomerous ENGLISH

Having the number of floral organs unequal, as four petals and six stamens.

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Having unequal stamens; having stamens different in number from the petals.

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anther ENGLISH

That part of the stamen containing the pollen, or fertilizing dust, which, when mature, is emitted for the impregnation of …

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antipetalous ENGLISH

Standing before a petal, as a stamen.

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bisexual ENGLISH

Of both sexes; hermaphrodite; as a flower with stamens and pistil, or an animal having ovaries and testes.

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Having the petals and stamens adnate to the calyx; -- applied to a subclass of dicotyledonous plants in the system …

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catapetalous ENGLISH

Having the petals held together by stamens, which grow to their bases, as in the mallow.

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cenanthy ENGLISH

The absence or suppression of the essential organs (stamens and pistil) in a flower.

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A filament of a stamen.

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column ENGLISH

The body formed by the union of the stamens in the Mallow family, or of the stamens and pistil in …

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