"Odin" is a word in ENGLISH


The supreme deity of the Scandinavians; -- the same as Woden,
of the German tribes.

Few words of positivity

The happiest people on Earth are the ones who know love.

Wayne Gerard Trotman

Laugh your heart out.

How many computer journalists does it take to screw in a light bulb?Five. One to write a review of all the existing light bulbs so you can decide which one to buy, another one to write a remarkably similar one in another magazine the next month, a third to have a big one come out on glossy paper two months later that is by then completely out of date, a fourth to hint in her column that a completely new and updated bulb is coming out, and the fifth to report a rumor that that new bulb is shipping with a virus.

advocation ENGLISH

The process of removing a cause from an inferior court to the supreme court.

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The name of the Supreme Being, in use among the Arabs and the Mohammedans generally.

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anarchy ENGLISH

Absence of government; the state of society where there is no law or supreme power; a state of lawlessness; political …

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Archbishop LAW AND LEGAL

In English eccleslas-tical law. The chief of the clergy in his province, having supreme power under the kiug or queeu …

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archchemic ENGLISH

Of supreme chemical powers.

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n. king, emperor, ruler. v. /AG-/ to become supreme, to be king.

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aristocracy ENGLISH

A form a government, in which the supreme power is vested in the principal persons of a state, or in …

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Aristocracy LAW AND LEGAL

A government ln which a class of men rules supreme

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An officer in each of the English courts of common law, appointed by the chief judge of the court, and …

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atheism ENGLISH

The disbelief or denial of the existence of a God, or supreme intelligent Being.

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atheist ENGLISH

One who disbelieves or denies the existence of a God, or supreme intelligent Being.

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The chief law officer of the state, empowered to act in all litigation in which the law-executing power is a …

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autocracy ENGLISH

Supreme, uncontrolled, unlimited authority, or right of governing in a single person, as of an autocrat.

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The supreme male divinity of the Phoenician and Canaanitish nations.

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beatify ENGLISH

To pronounce or regard as happy, or supremely blessed, or as conferring happiness.

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Bonitarian Ownership LAW AND LEGAL

In Roman law. A species of equitable title to things, os distinguished from a title acqnir-ed according to the strict …

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Books kept in the central office of the English supreme court, in whlch are entered all wrlts of summons issued …

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Central Office LAW AND LEGAL

The central ofiice of the supreme court of judicature in England is the office established in pursuance of the recommendation …

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commander ENGLISH

A chief; one who has supreme authority; a leader; the chief officer of an army, or of any division of …

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Commander In Chief LAW AND LEGAL

By article 2, $ 2, of the constitution it is declared that the president shall be commander ln chief of …

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