"Octroi" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


Fr. In French law. originally, a duty, whlch, by the permission of the seigneur, any city was accustomed to col-lect on liquors and some other goods, brought wlthln its precincts, for the consumption of the inhabitants. Afterwards appropriated to the use of the king. Steph. J<ect. p. 361

octroi ENGLISH

A privilege granted by the sovereign authority, as the
exclusive right of trade granted to a guild or society; a concession.

octroi ENGLISH

A tax levied in money or kind at the gate of a French city
on articles brought within the walls.

Few words of positivity

I welcome you to my home as my son, as the husband of my daughter who is the noor of my eye. Your pain will be our pain, your joy our joy. I hope that you will come to see your Khala and Jamila and me as a second set of parents, and I pray for your and our lovely Soraya jan's happiness. you both have our blessings.

Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner

Laugh your heart out.

It can't go on! It can't go on! What can't go on? This baby's vest ? it's too small for me.

avignon berry ENGLISH

The fruit of the Rhamnus infectorius, eand of other species of the same genus; -- so called from the city …

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byzantine ENGLISH

A native or inhabitant of Byzantium, now Constantinople; sometimes, applied to an inhabitant of the modern city of Constantinople. C …

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faubourg ENGLISH

A suburb of French city; also, a district now within a city, but formerly without its walls.

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Iu French law, and in Louisiana. A district or part of a town ad-joining the principal city; a suburb. See …

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natchez ENGLISH

A tribe of Indians who formerly lived near the site of the city of Natchez, Mississippi. In 1729 they were …

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