"Octaroon" is a word in ENGLISH

octaroon ENGLISH

See Octoroon.

Few words of positivity

I watched bulls bred to cows, watched mares foal, I saw life come from the egg and the multiplicative wonders of mudholes and ponds, the jell and slime of life shimmering in gravid expectation. Everywhere I looked, life sprang from something not life, insects unfolded from sacs on the surface of still waters and were instantly on prowl for their dinner, everything that came into being knew at once what to do and did it, unastonished that it was what it was, unimpressed by where it was, the great earth heaving up bloodied newborns from every pore, every cell, bearing the variousness of itself from every conceivable substance which it contained in itself, sprouting life that flew or waved in the wind or blew from the mountains or stuck to the damp black underside of rocks, or swam or suckled or bellowed or silently separated in two.

E.L. Doctorow, Lives of the Poets: A Novella and Six Stories

Laugh your heart out.

A preacher was completing a temperance sermon: with great expression he said, "If I had all the beer in the world, I'dtake it and throw it into the river."With even greater emphasis he said, "And if I had all the wine in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river."And then finally, he said, "And if I had all the whiskey in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river." He sat down.The song leader then stood very cautiously and announced with a smile, "For our closing song, let us sing Hymn # 365:"Shall We Gather at the River."

extemporize ENGLISH

To do, make, or utter extempore or off-hand; to prepare in great haste, under urgent necessity, or with scanty or …

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fuldble ENGLISH

Capable of being propped up.

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hinuklug CEBUANO

hinuklug v [B126; b3(1)] be a? ected by a great emotion, esp. grief. Nahinuklug ang mga táwu sa masulub-ung balità, …

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In Scotch law. Ex-change. 1 Forb. Inst, pt 2, p. 173

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bovate ENGLISH

An oxgang, or as much land as an ox can plow in a year; an ancient measure of land, of …

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To be full to the brim.

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tulum-ukan HILIGAYNON

tulum-úkan - Anything that is to be pressed, as a telephone button, piano key, a paper to be stamped or …

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replevy ENGLISH

To take or get back, by a writ for that purpose (goods and chattels wrongfully taken or detained), upon giving …

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The mycelium or spawn of this fungus infecting grains of rye and wheat. It is a powerful remedial agent, and …

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spread ENGLISH

imp. & p. p. of Spread, v.

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The act of rehabilitating, or the state of being rehabilitated.

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In maritime law. A compensation allowed to persons by whose assist-ance a ship or its cargo lias been saved, ln …

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credence ENGLISH

That which gives a claim to credit, belief, or confidence; as, a letter of credence.

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repulsion ENGLISH

The act of repulsing or repelling, or the state of being repulsed or repelled.

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parage ENGLISH

Equality of condition between persons holding unequal portions of a fee.

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decempedal ENGLISH

Ten feet in length.

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hawaiian ENGLISH

Belonging to Hawaii or the Sandwich Islands, or to the people of Hawaii.

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gukud, gúkud v [A2SC2; a1] {1} run after, give chase. May irung naggukud, Theres a dog running after us. Gukdun …

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