"Nuncupative Will" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Nuncupative Will LAW AND LEGAL

A will which depends merely upon oral evldence, having been declared or dictated by the testator in his last sickness before a sufficient number of witnesses, and afterwards reduced to wrlt-ing. Ex parte Thompson, 4 Bradf. Sur. (N. Y.) 154; Sykes v. Sykes, 2 Stew. (Ala.) 367, 20 Am, Dec. 40; Tally v. Butterworth, 10 Yerg. (Tenn.) 502; Ellington v. Dillard, 42 Ga. 379; Succession of Morales, 16 La. Ann. 268

Few words of positivity

Great art is never produced for its own sake. It is too difficult to be worth the effort.

Robert Quillen

Laugh your heart out.

Detective: Why did you dump those vegetables on my desk?Criminal: You said it was time to spill the beans.


The act of boiling a sub-stance in water, for extracting its virtues. Also the liquor in which a substance has …

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