"Numirawu" is a word in CEBUANO

numirawu CEBUANO

numiráwu a numbered for easy identification or guidance.
Nu-miráwu ang mga lingkuránan sa awdituryum, The seats in the auditorium are numbered.
v [B1256] for s.t.
to be numbered.

Few words of positivity

Facts are facts and will not disappear on account of your likes.

Jawaharlal Nehru

Laugh your heart out.

Why is the moon like a dollar?It has four quarters.


A gold coin formerly current in England, of the value of ten shillings sterling in the reign of Henry VI., …

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estate ENGLISH

To endow with an estate.

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ribless ENGLISH
airwards ENGLISH

Toward the air; upward.

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calibre ENGLISH

The diameter of the bore, as a cannon or other firearm, or of any tube; or the weight or size …

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A primitive seminal cell, occuring in masses in the seminal tubules. It divides into a mass (spermosphere) of small cells …

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líw-as - To overlap, stick out at the side of, protrude, dislocate completely. Papaá ang lánsang sing matádlung, agúd índì …

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kahangay CEBUANO

kahangay v [A13; b6] {a} do s.t. to while away the time or in ones spare time. Nagkahangay kug basabása …

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classically ENGLISH

In the manner of classes; according to a regular order of classes or sets.

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Forbannitus LAW AND LEGAL

A pirate; an outlaw; one banished

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leze majesty ENGLISH

Any crime committed against the sovereign power.

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grandly ENGLISH

In a grand manner.

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hexahemeron ENGLISH

A term of six days.

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anacamptic ENGLISH

Reflecting of reflected; as, an anacamptic sound (and echo).

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Date Certaine LAW AND LEGAL

In French law. A deed is said to have a date certaine (fixed date) when it has been subjected to …

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farfetch ENGLISH

To bring from far; to seek out studiously.

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