"Notorhizal" is a word in ENGLISH

notorhizal ENGLISH

Having the radicle of the embryo lying against the back
of one of the cotyledons; incumbent.

Few words of positivity

Reading is air in my lungs, fire in my blood, company in my thoughts.

Mala Naidoo

Laugh your heart out.

A college student in a philosophy class was taking his first examination. On the paper there was a single line which simply said: "Is this a question?" - Discuss. After a short time he wrote: "If that is a question, then this is an answer." The student received an "A" on the exam. A Boston brokerage house advertised for a "young Harvard graduate or the equivalent." Among the inquiries received was one from a Yale grad. He said, "Do you mean two Princeton men, or a Yale man part time?"

antitropous ENGLISH

At the extremity most remote from the hilum, as the embryo, or inverted with respect to the seed, as the …

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caulicle ENGLISH

A short caulis or stem, esp. the rudimentary stem seen in the embryo of seed; -- otherwise called a radicle.

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centrifugal ENGLISH

Having the radicle turned toward the sides of the fruit, as some embryos.

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centripetal ENGLISH

Having the radicle turned toward the axis of the fruit, as some embryos.

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cotyledon ENGLISH

A leaf borne by the caulicle or radicle of an embryo; a seed leaf.

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endorhizous ENGLISH

Having the radicle of the embryo sheathed by the cotyledon, through which the embryo bursts in germination, as in many …

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exorhiza ENGLISH

A plant Whose radicle is not inclosed or sheathed by the cotyledons or plumule.

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exorhizous ENGLISH

Having a radicle which is not inclosed by the cotyledons or plumule; of or relating to an exorhiza.

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homotropous ENGLISH

Having the radicle of the seed directed towards the hilum.

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incumbent ENGLISH

Leaning or resting; -- said of anthers when lying on the inner side of the filament, or of cotyledons when …

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plumule ENGLISH

The first bud, or gemmule, of a young plant; the bud, or growing point, of the embryo, above the cotyledons. …

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radicle ENGLISH

A rootlet; a radicel.

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radicle ENGLISH

The rudimentary stem of a plant which supports the cotyledons in the seed, and from which the root is developed …

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radiculose ENGLISH

Producing numerous radicles, or rootlets.

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rootlet ENGLISH

A radicle; a little root.

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superior ENGLISH

Pointing toward the apex of the fruit; ascending; -- said of the radicle.

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suspensor ENGLISH

The cord which suspends the embryo; and which is attached to the radicle in the young state; the proembryo.

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tigella ENGLISH

That part of an embryo which represents the young stem; the caulicle or radicle.

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